OotiniCast Episode 175

This is the live show recorded at our Ootini Cantina in Las Vegas! We do cover some news, along with answering listener questions, including what to expect from an expansion.

1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Mark! Thanks to Curved for entering.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win an M8-R3 code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

4. Community

5. Force Feedback

Jay Connell recommended this article to explain graphics options.

Jason Cross changed his car wallpaper to the following:

Jason Cross - TOR car wallpaper

Chong gets his companions to do all the work:

Chong - NPC did all the work

6. Sarlacc Digest

We discuss Mike’s question about our experiences with the first expansion (Rise of the Hutt Cartel), and what that suggests what to expect with Shadow of Revan.

7. Outro

Thanks to Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4) for joining us this week.

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 174

A quiet week, but we still find plenty to talk about, including Patch 2.10.2a, the rewards for Ranked PvP Season 3, and last week’s livestream discussing the combat changes coming in Game Update 3.0.


1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Vescent! Thanks to Topps, Sabo, T’chuk, Bara-dur and Mariachi for entering.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win an M8-R3 code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

  • Patch 2.10.2a was deployed on Tuesday morning, followed shortly thereafter by the Architect’s Stronghold Pack being made available on the Cartel Market.
  • The rewards for Ranked PvP Season 3, which will end with the deployment of Game Update 3.0 on 2 December, have been announced. Our Leaderboards page has been updated to show the three tiers for this season. Note that you will have to play at least 10 games to qualify for the default tier.
  • Charles Boyd explained an apparent inconsistency in Shae Vizla’s behaviour as conveyed in his story Bedtime on Concordia.
  • Rob Hinkle and Eric Musco participated in the combat changes in 3.0 livestream, which you can view as an archived Twitch video. For an alternative perspective to our own discussion, please see Dulfy’s detailed notes on the livestream. Eric later clarified that:
    • Warzone Commendations and Ranked Warzone Commendations will not be downconverted with Game Update 3.0.
    • There will be two sets of PvP armor as there are now, one set purchasable with Warzone Commendations, the other with Ranked Warzone Commendations.
    • The Expertise cap remains the same (2018).
    • Expertise will not be stripped from existing PvP gear.
  • The schedule for the four livestreams about the Discipline changes coming to each class has been announced. They will be developer (not community) streams, most likely with Eric Musco and Dave Demaree. Two livestreams will be done from the Republic perspective, and two from the Empire’s. Each livestream will be up to two hours in length, and will be archived on Twitch for later viewing.

4. Community

Thanks to Justin for his most generous donation! We will indeed have drinks in your honour, sir.

If you want to find out more about @HamSammich509‘s Jawa Junk Yard, see his thread on our forums.

To help provide a little Cartel Pack purchasing money for the show, please shop at Amazon by going to ootinicast.com/amazon.

If you feel moved to give us a review on iTunes, which would help new listeners find our show, you can do so by following ootinicast.com/itunes.

To find out more about our Ootini Cantina, goto ootinicast.com/cantina.

5. Force Feedback

We discuss tweets, emails and comments from Jay Connell, Mark Natress, Catalyst, Hru, Ray Leamon, Justin, @fnord3125, Christopher S, Terg, Lee (@Viperous87), Bearyman and Ben Jacobson.

While it is apparently possible to purchase the 14,500 Cartel Coin bundle on the official site and in-game for $US99, it isn’t working for Teo. Bearyman sent us the following showing how it should look from in-game:

Larger screenie of CC purchase

6. Outro

Thanks to Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4) for joining us this week.

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 173

There’s lots of news this week, including the Shadow of Revan press event, the Rakghouls return, participation in Ranked PvP Season 3, and much more.

1. Introduction

Charlie (Kranitoko) has started his Krandom series, where he amalgamates the introductions from his Hypercrate opening videos. The first has the introductions for the Starfighter Pack openings.

He also attended London Comic Con:

Charlie and the Stormtrooper

Charlie and the Stormtrooper

Cosplaying at its best

Cosplaying at its best

Charlie as The Slender Man

Charlie as The Slender Man

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Taralma of the Old Republic Dads guild on The Shadowlands! Thanks to Billyando and Yajard for entering.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win an M8-R3 code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

  • In honour of Halloween (at least in spirit), there are a number of “frightening deals” on the Cartel Market until Tuesday 4 November.
  • Continuing with the spooky theme, the Rakghoul Resurgence event is back, this time on Corellia. It will end at server reset on Tuesday 4 November (5am Pacific).
  • The current per-server character limit may be raised above the current maximum of 22 if it’s determined that game performance won’t be negatively impacted.
  • While we’re not getting dual-spec or an equipment manager in Game Update 3.0, it seems we are getting a random mount button.
  • The Imperial and Republic Medical Droid decorations do not currently work as vendors; this will be fixed in a patch to be deployed “shortly”.
  • Charles Boyd (Lead Writer) has written Bedtime on Condordia, which appears to be foreshadowing the reappearance of Shae Vizla, a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter who was last seen as part of the assault on the Jedi Temple in the Deception cinematic trailer.
  • In Game Update 3.0, Planetary and Classic Commendations will no longer exist, as they are being merged into Basic Commendations. All Elite and Ultimate Commendations will be converted (at a ratio to be determined) into Basic Commendations when Game Update 3.0 goes live on 2 December.
  • Electronic Arts had its Q2 2015 Earnings Conference Call, in which SWTOR was briefly mentioned as contributing to their “free-to-play segment”.
  • The following graphs show the participation in Ranked PvP for Season 3. You can compare with the final graphs for Season 2 in the post for episode 159.
    Ranked PvP Season 3 (group)

    Ranked PvP Season 3 (group)

    Ranked PvP Season 3 (solo)

    Ranked PvP Season 3 (solo)

  • A press-only livestream was held and subsequently written about by Ten Ton Hammer, MMORPG.com and Massively.
  • Werit (@Werit) of Werit’s Blog had a number of his questions about Game Update 3.0 answered by BioWare.

4. Community

Our guildmate @HamSammich is resurrecting the Ootini Templars! To find out more, see his post on our forums.

Augustuz of www.mattbrady.tk has offered to do comics for some of our upcoming episodes. He created these awesome wallpapers; this is Teo’s favourite:


He also created the following comic for our recent spoilercast:

Matt Brady - Revan's Mask

To find out the latest details about our Ootini Cantina being held on Saturday 8 November, please visit ootinicast.com/cantina.

5. Force Feedback

Terg sent us the following to show the difference between previewing and actually wearing the Rakghoul event gear:

Terg - luminscent armor

The adventures of Boss’Chong continue! Here he is on Harbinger patrol:

Chong - patrol

In Chong’s words, “When Boss’Chong gets wounded, he cauterizes it with a FLAMETHROWER! He is the BOSS!”:

Chong - flamethrower

6. Outro

Thanks to Charlie (@Kranitoko, YouTube channel) and Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4) for joining us this week.

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


Ootini Cantina (Las Vegas 2014)

The Ootini Cantina is an alternative event being organised in response to the unexpected change in date of BioWare’s Community Cantina, which is now being held the following weekend on 15 November. Given that many of us had already made travel plans to be there on the original weekend, we decided to make our own fun, including our first (and probably only) live recording with all the hosts of OotiniCast in the same room.

We’ll open the doors at 2pm, so please come and mingle before we start the live recording at 3pm. We’ll attempt to livestream the recording and subsequent shenanigans if possible.

BioWare have provided some swag which we’ll give away throughout the event. We’re planning on an interactive Q&A with those attending. Feel free to ask us anything!

We want to ensure that we’ll have sufficient space and catering for those who choose to join us, so if you plan on attending, RSVP by responding to this post via a comment below or sending a Tweet to @OotiniCast using the #OotiniCantina hashtag.


OotiniCast Episode 172

Teo hosts our second “spoilercast” in which we review the life and times of Revan, who appears to be the primary antagonist in the upcoming Shadow of Revan expansion, along with the Sith Empire and its long-lived Emperor. We then speculate about just where the story is going to take us.


This show is an exception to our usual policy of never including spoilers! The specific content we cover includes:

  • the Galactic History outlined on the official site’s Holonet
  • “Revan” novel by Drew Karpyshyn
  • key events from the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior class stories
  • “The Jedi Prisoner” Republic mission series (spanning the Taral V and Maelstrom Prison Flashpoints)
  • “Call to Arms” Empire mission series (spanning the Boarding Party and The Foundry Flashpoints)
  • Forged Alliances story arc from both factions’ points of view

Thanks to Chill, Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4), Ordoo (@OrdooSkirata) and Simon (@RPGbeatsRL) for joining me.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker.


OotiniCast Episode 171

We discuss the most welcome quality of life changes that arrived with Game Update 2.10.2, the Ranked PvP Season 3 rewards, and more. We also give our reaction to the announced date for the Las Vegas Community Cantina.

1. Introduction

You can find Vulkk’s video about Revan that was narrated by Teo here. There’s plenty of other fantastic SWTOR videos on Vulkk’s YouTube channel; well worth subscribing to!

Redna will be participating as part of the Bad Feeling Podcast’s team in the Extra Life gaming marathon to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals. You can support his efforts via his donation page. He’ll be livestreaming for the full 24 hours on his Twitch channel, twitch.tv/r3dn4.

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Troja! Thanks to Yajard, Olib, DurtaDurta, Michael K and Carosel for entering.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win an M8-R3 code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

  • Game Update 2.10.2 was deployed a day later than usual on Wednesday morning, to ensure the 12x XP UI indicator was included.12x XP on bar
  • It included a new permission for Guildmasters to allow specific guild ranks to invade planets as part of Planetary Conquests.Guild rank - add invasion
  • Republic and Imperial crates, both single crates and in stacks, can now be purchased.

Imperial crates (single)Republic crates (stacked)

  • The much anticipated Slot Machine: Smuggler’s Gambit decoration can now be purchased for 1 credit each from the Binary Star Reputation Vendor located in each fleet’s Cartel Bazaar. Remember to use shift-click to purchase the maximum stack of 50! They will be removed from the vendor in Game Update 3.0 on 2 December.

Slot machine for 1c


  • A “sneak peak” at the rewards for Ranked PvP Season 3 has been provided, which will include a Furious (Expertise) colour crystal. The current plan is for three tiers (as it was in Season 2), though that is subject to change. The tiers cutoffs have not yet been decided. Season 3, which began with Game Update 2.10, will end when the servers are brought down to deploy Game Update 3.0 on 2 December.
  • There will be a new augmentation level in Game Update 3.0. This presumably includes augmentation kits and augments, most likely MK-10.
  • The Shroud has issued a communique about the Order of Revan.
  • The BioWare livestream in the last week of October will feature all of the combat changes coming in Game Update 3.0. Subsequent livestreams in November will go over the changes to all Advanced Classes with the introduction of Disciplines.
  • The Las Vegas Community Cantina will be held on Saturday 15 November. This is a week later than originally forecast in a post on 19 February. Eric Musco (Community Manager) apologised for the late change, while reminding those who’d planned to attend on the original weekend that the dates had always been subject to change. In the future, no dates will be mentioned until it’s finalised for a given location, with the intention being that players will have 60 days beforehand to plan their trip. Heather has a blog post that summarises how many of those affected by this change felt.

4. Community

Olib (@OlibGaming) has created a community site in which he hopes to provide curated content that is useful to the SWTOR community. You can find it at swtornetwork.com.

5. Force Feedback

Moff Chong is recruiting!

Boss Chong wants you

Kal finds out the not-so-hard way that one can survive falling through the bridge at the end of Scum & Villainy:

Kal - S&V bridge 2Kal - S&V bridge 1Kal - S&V bridge 3

Terg found the following chestpiece that appears quite different from when it’s previewed:

Terg - luminscent armor

6. Outro

Thanks to Simon (@RPGbeatsRL) and Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4) for joining us this week.

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 170

We discuss Patch 2.10.1c, the various answers flowing from the New York Community Cantina, and include many tips for making the most of 12x XP.

1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, JB! Thanks to Flox, Moff Chong, Darklighter, Spike and Carosel for entering.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win an M8-R3 code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

  • The official site was taken down on Tuesday morning so that free-to-play players could access Galactic Strongholds, which has officially launched.
  • The Seneschal’s Stronghold Pack is now available. You can find Dulfy’s preview of its contents here. It is more expensive (300 CC vs 210 CC) than the previous Stronghold Packs, as the earlier packs in this shipment were discounted.
  • Patch 2.10.1c was deployed on Wednesday morning to update the Launcher for Game Update 3.0 and to improve the performance of the BitRaider-based streaming downloader. Note that patching will require the Launcher to restart twice. If you are having problems, try the new Launcher repair utility. There are updated instructions for how to deal with Launcher/patching issues here.
  • Game Update 2.10.2 will be next week, and will include the Slot Machine: Smuggler’s Gambit decorations for 1 credit each from the Binary Star Realty vendor.
  • Alex Modny provided a bit more clarification on the new Disciplines system coming in Game Update 3.0.
  • Andrew Horwitz (Associate Producer) wrote a developer blog to explain the nuances of the 12x XP subscriber bonus for pre-ordering the Shadow of Revan expansion, referred to as the “class story leveling event”. This Reddit post provides a complimentary FAQ for 12x XP.
  • The latest Community Cantina was held in New York city on Thursday. The assets on the flashdrive provided to attendees have been posted by both Dulfy and JD (Gaddock Teeg) of the Unnamed SWTOR Podcast. A forum user provided this summary of the Q&A. You can listen to JD talk about the extremely revealing answers he received while talking directly to the developers, along with the audio from the Q&A, in episode 57 of the Unnamed SWTOR Podcast.

4. Community

Community legend Snave (he’s kind of a big deal) interviewed Eric Musco on his Twitch channel on Wednesday. You can watch the archived version of the interview on Twitch or YouTube. He’s also archived his post-interview dissection.

Olib (@OlibGaming) has created a community site in which he hopes to provide curated content that is useful to the SWTOR community. You can find it at swtornetwork.com.

Our show has been (re-)added to the Windows Phone 7, 8 and Zune catalogues.

5. Force Feedback

Greg Carter retweeted this image from Slim Jim of the Back to the Future show:

The Great Tatooine Bake-Off Final was ruined by pesky Jawas

The Great Tatooine Bake-Off Final was ruined by pesky Jawas

6. Outro

Thanks to Kranitoko (@Kranitoko, youtube.com/KranitokoGames) and Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4) for joining us this week.

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 169

From famine to feast! We talk about the Shadow of Revan announcement, and discuss in depth the new Disciplines system that will arrive in Game Update 3.0.

1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, TwinMgr! Thanks to Jay Connell and Darth Cathgirl for entering.

Here’s Jay’s action bar layout which maps directly to his new gaming mouse:

Jay Connell - Mouse mapping tip

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win an M8-R3 code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

  • BioWare warned that some Conquest objectives this week would not be achieveable, as they are tied to Bounty Contract Week which doesn’t begin until next week (14-21 October). While those objectives didn’t actually turn up when week 8 began on Tuesday, it does imply that future Conquest objectives may be tied to in-progress in-game events.
  • To get your class sign decoration rewards for completing Chapter 3 in each class story, follow the instructions in this post. Note that if you shift-right-click on the decoration icon in the rewards panel, you should get the full stack of 50, rather than having to individually right-click 50 times.
  • Attempting to return to one’s previous location from a Stronghold or Flagship will return you to a default location (usually one that prevents quicktravel) if you’ve logged out since originally travelling from that location. BioWare is aware of this behaviour, and are investigating as to whether it should be changed.
  • It seems that a way of soloing each of the Tactical Flashpoints that make up the Forged Alliances story arc may be introduced, to allow all players to experience the story without having to join a group.
  • The Shadow of Revan expansion has been officially announced via press release and with an accompanying trailer. It can be pre-ordered now for $US19.99. If you pre-order before 2 November, you will get 7 days of early access starting 2 December, ahead of its launch for all players on 9 December.
  • The mission series that will span the new planets Rishi and Yavin 4 will present a single story told from both factions’ viewpoints, but will include a single class-specific mission.
  • A subscriber-only pre-order bonus is the 12x boost to XP for class missions and the main storyline mission series on Makeb, which should allow players to level from 1-55 doing only that content (no side missions or anything else). This boost lasts until 1 December, cannot be switched off and has no visual buff showing it’s in effect (though the increased XP in each mission’s reward window is shown). Abilities are free to train to compensate for the low credit intake resulting from such extremely fast leveling.
  • In Game Update 3.0, there will be no new PvP warzones and no new GSF maps or ships. Though for GSF, Requisition gain will be substantially increased to allow new players to gear out their starfighters more quickly to better viably compete with the veterans).
  • Game Update 3.0 will only be tested via a closed PTS with hand-selected and randomly-selected players invited to test under NDA.

4. Community

Thanks to Grim and Scotthomas for their donations!

Community legend Snave (he’s kind of a big deal) will be interviewing Eric Musco on his Twitch channel on Wednesday 15 October (7pm BST, 1pm CDT, Thu 5am AEDT). I believe this can be considered essential viewing.

5. Force Feedback

Hru took this picture of one of the new GSI satellites on Makeb:

Hru - GSI lore object(s) on Makeb

6. Sarlacc Digest

We discuss the Disciplines system, covered in this developer update and walked through by Eric Musco and David Demaree in a livestream (which was summarised by Dulfy here, and who also provided a breakdown of the new Discipline paths and utilities that were featured for Sorcerers).

7. Outro

Thanks to Justin (@warlordkephess of the Death & Taxes progression guild) and Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4) for joining us this week.

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 168

We discuss what’s in Game Update 2.10.1, why we’re still waiting for details about that end-of-year expansion which it appears will be called Shadow(s) of Revan.

1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Billy-sai! Thanks to Sukaiberu for entering.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win an M8-R3 code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

  • BioWare is investigating why many players appear to have lost their achievements from the Nar Shaddaa Casino event.
  • Game Update 2.10.1 was deployed on Tuesday morning. It included the introduction of an achievement and title for conquering CZ-198, though for those who’ve earned them previously it may be some time before they are applied retroactively.
  • An apparently unintended benefit of the patch is that companion archetype buffs appear to have been increased. However, the legacy reductions for the cooldowns of the Emergency Fleet Pass and Quick Travel were broken, though were quickly remedied by Game Update 2.10.1a that was deployed on Thursday morning.
  • The Slot Machine: Smuggler’s Gambit decoration that was missing from the Constable’s Stronghold Pack will be made available for 1 credit from the Binary Star Realty vendor in Game Update 2.10.2.
  • Bruce Maclean (Producer) let us know that the news about the end-of-year expansion that was supposed to come at the end of September has been delayed for at most two weeks. Eric Musco (Community Manager) elaborated on what had happened, and then went into further detail about the cause for the delay.
  • It appears that BioWare have revealed that the name of the end-of-year expansion is either “Shadow of Revan” or “Shadows of Revan”, based upon this tweet:

SoR tweet

4. Community

If you are on either faction of Jung Ma (US East RP-PvP server), you may be interested in the SWTOR division of the Remnants of Hope gaming community. You can see their recruitment video here.

Community legend Snave (he’s kind of a big deal) will be interviewing Eric Musco on his Twitch channel on Wednesday 15 October (7pm BST, 1pm CDT, Thu 5am AEDT). I believe this can be considered essential viewing.

5. Force Feedback

Both @Jumoraf and JB recommend that people check out this video showing various Star Wars locations created in MineCraft.

Here is Chaz Lobo after completing a 5km Kessel Fun Run. What a fantastic photo opportunity!

Chaz Lobo - 5K Kessel run

Brian Wells created this hand-crafted deco for the Despair guild’s flagship:

Brian Walls deco

6. Outro

Thanks to Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4) for joining us this week.

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 167

Redna interviews illustrator Dave Dorman, who is best known for his Star Wars artwork.

Lord Vader's Persuasion of the Outer Rim Worlds to Join the Empire!

Lord Vader’s Persuasion of the Outer Rim Worlds to Join the Empire!

Incident on the Jundland Wastes

Incident on the Jundland Wastes

You can find out more about Dave’s work by visiting davedorman.com. If you’re interested in purchasing his work or inquiring about commissioning a piece, you can contact him directly using dormanart@yahoo.com.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker.
