OotiniCast Episode 268

In the news we discuss Patch 4.6a and the July Producer Livestream, along with our ongoing adventures in the Dark Side vs Light Side event. Speaking of which, we have a huge number of handy DvL tips and tricks to help you get it done as quickly and efficiently as possible!

1. Introduction

Alex participated in an Ootini Guilds-organised Jar Jar Joyride, taking on Xenoanalyst II in the Grey Secant:

Alex - Ootini Xeno

Alex’s DvL Jedi Guardian is named after Todd Chavez from the series BoJack Horseman.

Todd Chavez

Chill’s created a light roleplay DvL character he’s called Chillsanta:

Chillsanta (2)
Chillsanta (3)

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winners, TrigPT and Vonador, and our runners-up, Ajay and Anonymous! Thanks to Andarank, Flox, Sukai, DR2000, Ereptor, Caranome, Dekion and Chronosi for entering.

Here’s Ajay’s summary of crew skill schematic grades and their skill ranges:

Grade 1: 0-80
Grade 2: 81-160
Grade 3: 161-240
Grade 4: 241-300
Grade 5: 301-350
Grade 6: 351-400
Grade 7: 401-450
Grade 8: 451-500
Grade 9: 501-550

Anonymous provided this detailed procedure on how to ensure you get your DvL tier rewards on the same character:

1. Pick one character you want the rewards Make sure you this character is the first to reach 25 and 50.
2. There are 3 things you can not do on any DvL character until I say to from this point forward .Feel free to complete anything else though.
a. Eternal Championship
b. Run start or run any KoFE until I say so.
C. Buy the Datacron( Do not beat the 10th boss of Eternal Championship until I say to beat the Datacron)
3. Once the character you pick reaches 50 you need to make sure the next thing you do is DvL: Flashpoint Responder if you haven’t completed it. This will Complete Heroic Level and Legacy Level.
4. After making sure you have completed Shadow of Revan, Ziost and the stronghold quest on any DvL character. You can run KoFE and complete the first 9 chapters on the character you picked This character should be 65 now. This unlocks Valiant Level.
5. Complete all flashpoints on the characters side if you haven’t already.
6. Now you need to Level a character on the other side to finish up the flashpoints that are only on the opposite side completing DvL Flashpoint Expert.
7. As soon as Unlock: DvL Flashpoint Expert. Complete DvL act of Valor if you haven’t. Then you need to do Chapter 16 This will unlocked Champion Level.
8. Level the character on the other side to 65.
9. Once you have done that Hop back on the character you want the rewards on run Eternal Championship you can beat all 10 bosses if you havne’t bought the datacron. If you have bought the Datacron than run only the first 5.(You can do 9 but don’t be the 10th boss if you have bought the datacron)This will unlock Eternal Level
10. DO the rest of the event with who ever you want but DOn’t buy the datacron or beat the 10th boss until you have completed the whole event except DvL: Big Spender or DvL: Eternal Champion respectively.
11 Once everything else is completed buy the Datacron or beat the 10th boss on the character you picked for rewards. This will unlock legendary Level.

If you get passed step 6 before chapter 16 is You should be able to do chapter 16 right away as long as you if you beat boss 5 you leveled the character on the other side to 65 and haven’t bought the datacron or beat eternal championship boss 10 unless everything but Dark vs. Light Alliance commander is done.

Dekion provided this timeline for attaining the DvL’s third tier:


Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Tuesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-3R droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

  • BioWare is aware of the increased in-game spam, and requests that players report the spammers to assist in their timely eradication.
  • Patch 4.6a was deployed during regular maintenance on Tuesday to address a number of issues introduced in Game Update 4.6.
  • Eric Musco confirmed that while the 100K+ XP obtained from during the warzone introductory mission is not intended, it is okay to use it until it’s fixed sometime after the DvL event is completed.
  • The July Producer Livestream, later summarised by Eric Musco, discussed various topics, including a Q&A on the DvL event. Dulfy provides her usual extensive notes, and has a YouTube mirror of the livestream.
  • What EA Star Wars would be showing at their booth at Star Wars Celebration in London was apparently briefly unveiled early, and includes “Star Wars The Old Republic: KOTET”. “Knights of the Eternal Throne”, perhaps?

4. Community

Thanks to our latest Ootini Patron: Count Looku!

Davison of The Harbinger has relaunched SWTORApps.com, including a DvL event guide and tracker.

Daniel’s survey is now live! You can do it here. Follow him on Twitter using @Infinite0utcome for the latest news.

5. The Academy

This week Swtorista tells us about how to take Screenshots and Video of your characters.

6. Force Feedback

Blachloch (Blay) has produced a spreadsheet to help you gear your character as optimally as possible, and also a DvL event tracker.

Kal may not be putting much value into his DvL characters:

Kal - Onemoreshadow

Flox manages to catch up on the latest OotiniCast while nursing his daughter:

Flox - baby

7. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Alex (@MixUpPixels, geek-podcast.com) and Xam Xam (@Rach_Games, xamxamsays.com, YouTube) .

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 267

This week we discuss Game Update 4.6 and Chapter 15: The GEMINI Deception. We then go deep into the Light Side vs Dark Side event which is now live!

1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Born to eat bacon! Thanks to Andarank and Caranome for entering.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Tuesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-3R droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

4. Community

5. The Academy

This week Swtorista will tell us about Cartel Coins and the Collections interface.

6. Force Feedback

Kal sent us these images of hair-related Star Wars merch:

Kal - Vader merch

Kal - Stormtrooper merch

Kal - Yoda merch

Kal - Chewy merch

Chill retweeted a picture of how the opening crawl of Star Wars was filmed:

Filming the opening crawl

He also retweeted this picture from the opening of Star Wars in 1977:

SW opening at Mann's Theater 1977

Master Liu has managed to find another good example of Star Wars humour!

Master Liu - Star Wars humour

7. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge) and Swtorista (@swtorista, swtorista.com, swtorstrongholds.com).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 266

Another light news week, so we have Sechari on to talk about his content locustry article, focusing on why progression is so important to an MMO.

1. Introduction

You can find out more about the ExtraLife event that Sechari is participating in here.

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, La Chimba! Thanks to Nev for entering.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Tuesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-3R droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

4. Community

Thanks to Joliet Jerry for his iTunes review!

Last week’s Ootini Rage was Johnny’s entry into our Share the Rage competition. This week, voice actor Cristina supplies the rage.

5. The Academy

This week in the Academy, Swtorista will tell us about playing as a Preferred player.

6. Force Feedback

Sechari linked us to the Jungian Personality Distribution comparing global averages with those of Reddit users.

You discuss the straw poll asking whether the only reason you’re playing SWTOR is that it’s the only Star Wars MMO.

Alex watches Chill stream in style!

Alex watching Chill stream

Charlie was most impressed by this re-imagining of Jabba and Leia together on Tatooine.

Leia and Jabba reimagined

7. Sarlacc Digest

We discuss Sechari’s article Content Locustry: A Second Look at MMO Content Consumption.

8. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Blay (@Blachloch) and Sechari (@iamsechari, twitch.tv/sechari).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 265

No SWTOR news, so our guests bring the content! Charlie talks about E3, after we discuss EA’s Star Wars games video; Daniel tells us about his research survey for SWTOR players, and Cristina tells us why #PerformanceMatters.

1. Introduction

Here are Charlie’s two t-shirt designs:



2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Andarank of the Galaxy Knights guild on The Harbinger! Thanks to Kal for entering.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Tuesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-3R droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

4. Community

Daniel provided the following summary of his upcoming dissertation project which involves players of SWTOR, titled “Personality, Motivation and Online Gaming”:

This study should be going live during the month of June, and consists of 3 online surveys linked together in which SWTOR players can give information about how they play the game, common decision making processes, activities they enjoy, and then linking these things to their actual MBTI Personality type. I have been playing SWTOR since launch, and really hope the player community can help me make this project a success in a relatively short amount of time. Also, we can settle the score once and for all whether “story, story, story” is preferred over the MMO bits (since I am not a part of Bioware)! The survey will tentatively go live in mid-July. Follow me on Twitter for updates on the project and the opportunity to participate: @Infinite0utcome.

5. The Academy

This week Swtorista explains the basics of playing as free-to-play, preferred or subscribed.

6. Force Feedback

Sukai referred us to this article from Super Data Research, which showed SWTOR as the third ranked pay-to-play MMO in April 2016.

7. Sarlacc Digest

Cristina tells us why #PerformanceMatters. Who can find out what video game voice actors want here. As Cristina mentioned, the union has requested that a US regulatory body investigate the vocal safety of voice actors in the game industry.

8. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Charlie (@Kranitoko, youtube.com/KranitokoGames), Daniel (@Infinite0utcome) and Cristina (@CristiPetrarca, cristinapetrarca.com).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 264

In the news we cover the June Producer Livestream. We then discuss what lessons can be learned from SWTOR’s KotFE Season 1, and applied to the upcoming Season 2.

1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Andrew! Thanks to TrigPt for entering.

Teo mentioned the EA help page for SWTOR character transfers.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Tuesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-3R droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

4. Community

Andrew (SWTOR Economics) will be publishing a series of articles about how SWTOR crafting can be improved.

There’s a new ops group starting in our own Ootini Knights guild on The Harbinger! Join the Ootini Valorous Knights on Friday evenings.

5. The Academy

This week Swtorista tells us how to customise our user interface and the other elements that show up on our screen.

6. Force Feedback

Greg’s a hoarder too, just like Teo!

Greg the hoarder

7. Sarlacc Digest

We discuss what lessons can be learned from SWTOR’s KotFE Season 1, and applied to the upcoming Season 2. Galactic Elite talks over some of his ideas. Teo references this article about playing alone together, and mentioned Castern’s comment on Reddit.

8. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Sir Salisbury (@tougakun), Galactic Elite (@galactic_elite) and Pallais (@wowpiper).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 263

Game Update 4.5: Mandalore’s Revenge is here! We cover what’s in the update, along with the controversial announcement of the Eternal Championship speedrun winners. Then in our discussion, we discuss SWTOR’s popularity over time, in conjunction with its apparent financial success according to EA’s annual report.

1. Introduction

Ivilon mentioned the chat channel RevanitewalkerWB (/cjoin RevanitewalkerWB) on The Harbinger.

Here’s what Swtorista pulled out of her Hypercrate of Revenge Packs:

Swtorista - pack contents

Chill’s Snipers look is mostly the same as last week:

Chill - sniper (week 2)

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Dekarch! Thanks to Billyokar and Teadra for entering.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Tuesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-3R droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

4. Community

Xam Xam’s articles that were mentioned:

Teadra is recruiting for his raid team:

Despair is recruiting members for a weekend raid team. We currently raid on Saturday and Sunday Nights from 6PM Pacific Time (8 PM Central and 9 PM Eastern). We typically raid for about 2 and a half hours a night. Right now our focus is on clearing the priority HM of the week and any other HM’s we feel might be fun to jump into on that raid night. We are not a hardcore progressive raid team. We get together to have fun with each other and to challenge ourselves in a fun way. I do not care about a person’s gear when they join my team. Any gear issues can easily be replaced. The only thing I care about is that the individual has a good attitude, can get along well with the core group, doesn’t mind wiping (alot), is willing to have a good time and has at least a basic understanding of their class and rotation. We are currently recruiting for a full time ranged DPS and a tank and/or healer that is willing to substitute on an as needed basis. People joining must be able to get onto our mumble chat and realize that this is a mature, adult raid team that engages in adult humor while raiding together. If anyone is interested they can contact Teadra Jethari or Lilene Moiral in game either via mail or hit me up if you see me online.

This week’s entry for our Share the Rage competition is from Dave.

5. The Academy

This week Swtorista will tell us all about decorating our Strongholds!

6. Force Feedback

7. Sarlacc Digest

We discuss the apparent popularity of SWTOR over time, and then examine its apparent success according to EA’s annual report, based upon Andrew’s analysis. During the discussion, we reference two Google Trends graphs, the first showing SWTOR searches from the game’s launch in December 2011 to now; the second showing the last year.

8. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Swtorista (@swtorista, swtorista.com, swtorstrongholds.com), Andrew (@SWTOREconomics, swtoreconomics.com) and Ivilon (@percomposer, stephenridley.com).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 262

Very little news this week, though we do have Game Update 4.5 and Chapter 14 coming next week. Our first-time guest Christina gives us some insight into the life of a working voice actor.

1. Introduction

Here is Chill’s new sniper:

Chill - New sniper

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Sapfire!

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Tuesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-3R droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

4. Community

Thanks to our latest Ootini Patron: Sunken!

Our Share the Rage competition continues. Last week’s Ootini Rage was by Joseph Brown. This week’s is by Jerane (aka ThisManThisMonster) and his son.

If you want to learn Aurebesh, the Star Wars writing system, check out our Aurebesh Trainer.

5. The Academy

This week Swtorista will tell us everything we need to know about acquiring, expanding and decorating our Galactic Strongholds.

6. Force Feedback

Dekion found this summary infographic mapping class roles to gear sets:

Gear Breakdown by Class and Roles

You can find out more in our PvE and PvP 2-, 4- and 6-piece set bonuses for all classes article.

This awesome example of player-generated prospective content came up: a Manaan Stronghold, modelled in loving detail.

Who else puts the Bill in Billionaire?

Bill in billionaire

7. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Alex (@MixUpPixels, geek-podcast.com) and Cristina (@CristiPetrarca, cristinapetrarca.com).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 261

A fair bit of news this week, including the temporary return of cheap character transfers, upcoming class changes, and what Eric Musco talked about during his marathon livestream. Then our discussion is on the topic of the Hate Police, those players who take it upon themselves to attack anyone critical of SWTOR.

1. Introduction

Swtorista mentioned this screenshot of her team getting very close to taking down Revan:

Swtorista - Revan

She also provided this screenshot of her guild’s awesomely decorated guild flagship:

Swtorista - Flagship

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Mors’ira! Thanks to Bouhun and Synwulf for entering.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Tuesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-3R droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

  • This was a five hour server-side only maintenance on Tuesday.
  • The Eternal Championship finished on 17 May, rather than 20 May as originally advertised.
  • Intra-region (US to US or EU to EU) character transfers will be reduced from their current price of 1000 CC back to 90 CC from Thursday 26 May through to Sunday 5 June. Inter-region (between EU and US) will not be discounted, remaining at 1500 CC.
  • The first Community Cantina of 2016 will be on Saturday 16 July in London, in conjunction with Star Wars Celebration.
  • Class changes will be introduced in Game Update 4.5, affecting primarily healing and Madness DPS Sorcs/Sages and Powertechs/Vanguards.
  • Eric Musco’s marathon livestream lasted for over 15 hours on Saturday 14 May.

4. Community

Thanks to BigDo6 for his kind review!

5. The Academy

This week Swtorista will tell us about The Chat System: how to filter out what you don’t want to hear, and how to hear more about the things you like by joining channels.

6. Force Feedback

GasGuy has once again updated his most excellent Codex Tracking spreadsheet.

7. Sarlacc Digest

We discuss the Hate Police, those players who attack anyone critical of the game. Thanks to Mae (@Maebeebuzz), Rachel (@Rach_Games), Laurie (@Lawilc01), Nepthen (@NepthenORD) and Sechari (@iamsechari) for their contributions to the discussion.

8. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge) and Swtorista (@swtorista, swtorista.com, swtorstrongholds.com).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 260

Not much news, though we do cover the ongoing May the Fourth competitions, the hint that cheap server transfers may soon briefly return, the latest EA earnings call, and more. Then we discuss some hard-to-get or relatively unknown achievements that the completionists among you need to know about!

1. Introduction

WSplit was the tool mentioned by Djredd for measuring the time taken to do the Eternal Championship.

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Shiny! Thanks to Ajay, Lecto-Sama and Darkcinn for entering.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Tuesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-3R droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

4. Community

Positivo’s entry into our Share the Rage competition is featured at the end of this week’s show.

5. The Academy

Swtorista tells us about reputations: what they are, how to get them and why.

6. Force Feedback

You can see the results of Teo’s Twitter poll here.

B’Mal Suj recommends the web comic Imperial Entanglements, particularly this one.

He’s also managed to replicate the Masters of the Universe!

Masters of the Universe (4)

Masters of the Universe (1)

Masters of the Universe (2)

Masters of the Universe (3)

7. Sarlacc Digest

Djredd and Dekion tell us about hard-to-get, rare and relatively unknown achievements.

8. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Dekion (@therealDekion) and Djredd (@damonhomer).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 259

To celebrate May the Fourth, this show was performed in-character. We promise not to do it again! We discuss the release of Update 4.4: Profit and Plunder, the Eternal Championship, the May Producer Livestream, and much more.

1. Introduction

Darth Chill went to extraordinary lengths to get into character!

You can see Sith Lord Kranitoko’s latest Cartel Pack opening video here, and if you watch this video you may win a prize.

2. Holofeed

3. The Academy

This week we discuss various codes of conduct, including the Bounty Hunters’ Creed, the Sith Code, and the Jedi Code.

4. Sarlacc Digest

We discuss the Eternal Championship, the new gladiatorial combat arena in the Platform 6 Cantina located in the seedy underbelly of Zakuul.

5. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Charlie (@Kranitoko, youtube.com/KranitokoGames) and Swtorista (@swtorista, swtorista.com, swtorstrongholds.com).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!
