OotiniCast Episode 27

Your hosts Chill and Teo are joined by Hyp to catch up on the latest news, as we attempt to resist the siren call of Diablo 3 (with only partial success, regrettably). We also go into detail on how to obtain Matrix Cubes, which remain some of the best relics in the game.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. SWTOR challenge

This week’s challenge: send us a picture of your character with the codex open for the Endurance holochron on Hoth. You may need to adjust your UI temporarily to have the codex open and your toon’s name showing. This one is fun to get!

If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Space Slug (either faction), please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com.

4. The Holofeed
  • Patch 1.2.4 was deployed during Tuesday’s maintenance.
  • Yet another weekend pass is being offered from Thursday 17 May through Sunday, ending 2am Monday morning.
  • BioWare responds (1, 2, 3) in a thread on the forums about the testing of minor patches on the PTS (and how it’s not happening), giving us some insight into their process.
  • We discuss the community Q&A published on 11 May. The next Q&A won’t be for two weeks, and will focus on questions about the upcoming Game Update 1.3.
  • Dulfy and Zoopercat of Ask Mr Robot are collaborating on the new community site Tor-Fashion. Well worth a look!
5. Force Feedback

We discuss tweets from @OriginalBioZed (from the Oz Gamers League), @weihanthekidsun, @cypher_x, @Freakin_Ninja (Oni), @thehatfield and @askmrrobot.

Our guildmates Chong and Mosq provide some correction and elaboration on last week’s news about the change to the PvP daily.

6. The Sarlacc Digest

Matrix Cubes are relics that are constructed from Matrix Shards. Matrix Shards come in four colours: blue, red, yellow and green. You can obtain Matrix Shards from Datacrons, which are usually located in hard to get at places on all the accessible planets. The table below shows where the datacrons containing Matrix Shards are located:

You can check which Datacrons you’ve already collected (if any) by going to your Codex for a given character, and checking under the appropriate section. Ask Mr Robot’s Character Builder allows you to track on a per-character basis which Datacrons you’ve collected.

Matrix Cubes are created using either a Republic Matrix Assembler, located in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, or the Imperial Matrix Assembler in the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas. The Assembler appears as a bench surrounded by three pillars, each pillar holding a shard input panel. To create a new Matrix Cube, you set the three colours of the Matrix Shards you wish to combine. Note that order is unimportant, and that you can have multiple of a given colour (if you have sufficient Matrix Shards of that colour).

The table below shows all the known colour combinations of Matrix Shards that result in Matrix Cubes. Each Matrix Cube will have a minimum level (15, 24, 32 or 50).

Once the three colours are set in the shard input panels, right-click on the Assembler to create your Matrix Cube, which you then collect from the Assembler. It will appear in the Mission Items tab of your inventory, from which you can then equip it into a relic slot on your character sheet.

To recover the Matrix Shards from an existing Matrix Cube, you need to use the Matrix Cube Disassembler located at the back of the room. This requires a Reconfigured Disassembler Core, which is purchasable from several vendors for 8000 credits. The vendors can be found on Tatooine (Kitpth. a Jawa near the Sandcrawler just north of Anchorhead), Taris and Balmorra. When you use the Matrix Cube Disassembler, your Matrix Cube will be broken into its constituent Matrix Shards, and returned to the Mission Items tab in your inventory. The Reconfigured Disassembler Core will be changed into a junk item; unfortunately, it’s only good for a single use.

7. Outro

Thanks to Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 26

Chill and Teo are joined by Hyp and Oni to go over the latest news. We also discuss how easy (or hard!) it is to gear up a new 50 to catch up with an established raid group.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question

This week’s challenge: Some of the best LucasArts films, other than the Star Wars movies, are the three Indiana Jones movies (yes, there are only three). What you may not know is that each of the three movies has a Star Wars reference hidden somewhere in it. Name two out of three.

If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize (this week not limited to characters on the Space Slug server), please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com.

4. The Holofeed
  • Patch 1.2.3 was deployed during Tuesday’s maintenance.
  • Episode 1 of the official SWTOR podcast has been released, which includes details about the upcoming patch 1.3.
  • SWTOR was discussed in EA’s Q4 FY12 financial results investor call.
  • To celebrate the unofficial Star Wars Day (“May the Forth be with you!”), BioWare brought back Fan Friday.
  • BioWare warns that using game codes purchased from dodgy sites (which apparently are buying those codes using stolen credit cards) will result the account being banned, due to such codes now being used primarily by credit farmers.
  • We discuss the community Q&A published on 4 May.
5. Force Feedback

We discuss tweets from @weihanthekidsun (Weihan Sun), @ozgamersleague, @cypher_x, @bytorsnowdog (Snowy), @shotgun_burger, @Freakin_Ninja (Oni), @D_Willoughby (DeWayne Willoughby) and @OriginalBioZed.

Lesman emails in to ask whether we believe SWTOR will eventually switch to a free-to-play business model.

6. The Sarlacc Digest

Chill is already one of our raid group’s regular tanks on his Vanguard, but is thinking he’d prefer to tank on a Jedi Shadow, which he’d just levelled to 50. He talks about his own experience in getting the Shadow raid-ready, with suggestions on how to do this quickly and efficiently.

7. Outro

Thanks to Hyp (@Hypknotoad) and Oni (@Freakin_Ninja) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 25

Your hosts Chill and Teo are joined by Agi and Hyp to talk about this week’s news, and to discuss whether having fully-voiced cut scenes for almost every mission may have gone too far.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. The Holofeed
  • During unscheduled downtime on Sunday morning, patch 1.2.1a was deployed to fix an economic exploit.
  • Patch 1.2.2 was deployed during Tuesday’s maintenance. Downtime was a couple of hours earlier than usual, to accommodate a holiday in Europe. Servers came up after two hours, about when they’d usually go down!
  • While the search feature with the GTN was meant to be fixed in the latest patch, it was broken in a different way for specific searches: you must now specify a Rarity to get any results. BioWare says this will be fixed.
  • We discuss the community Q&A published on 27 April.
  • BioWare confirms that you will not be banned from using a combat log parser (if you had any doubts on that matter).
4. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @toliman (Joli), @OriginalBioZed and @shotgun_burger (of the Oz Gamers League and OGLCast), @nethwench (Neth), @bytorsnowdog (Snowy), @IzaakTheMad (Izzy), @wrxlvr (Arron Thornton), @MuskokaJ (Jason) and Ryeesa.
  • Many thanks to @ChewUI_SWTOR for the #FF. Check out the many fine UIs on display at ChewUI.com!
  • Joli refers us to the most excellent Crafted Gear & Mods infographic provided by Ask Mr. Robot.
  • Arron Thornton emails in to ask what to do with Warzone Commendations accumulated while one is levelling, as it’s only too easy to reach the current 2000 cap.
5. The Sarlacc Digest

Fully-voiced cut scenes in SWTOR are a key part of the SWTOR experience. But can you have too much of a good thing? We discuss whether BioWare went too far in making the vast majority of missions require an interactive cut scene.

6. Outro

Thanks to Agi (@Agitarsi) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 24

This week, Agi and Oni join your hosts Chill and Teo to go over the latest news, including our own experience with the Rakghoul Outbreak. We also discuss the new gear added in Game Update 1.2 and how to get it.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question

This week’s challenge: The following real things had real implications for Star Wars design. What Star Wars people, places, or things were based at least in part on these items? 5 of 6 correct will be enough for an entry.

  • An outboard motor
  • Einstein’s face
  • A radar dish
  • A spray bottle
  • A hamburger with an olive next to it
  • NASA’s crawler-transporters which were used to bring the space shuttle to its launch pad

If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize (this week not limited to characters on the Space Slug server), please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com.

4. The Holofeed
  • On Thursday night, we had unexpected downtime to deploy patch 1.2.0c. Patch 1.2.1 was deployed during Tuesday’s regular maintenance.
  • The free transfers to the Oceanic servers have begun! Teo’s had already been processed by the Wednesday morning (Australian time) following maintenance. All went perfectly, with his legacy level and unlocks from Space Slug being successfully transferred to Dalborra.
  • Daniel Erickson has been busy: in another interview published by NowGamer, he mentioned how awesome the next iteration of the space game would be, without giving any details. He was extremely forthcoming on all kinds of subjects in an interview with Zach on Mos Eisley Radio.
  • We discuss the community Q&A published on 20 April.
  • As of patch 1.2.1, there remains a bug with slicing missions, where the lock boxes returned have less credits than they should. Best stick to the Sliced Tech Parts missions until it’s fixed!
  • Some melee classes (particularly Sith Marauders and Jedi Sentinels) may be doing too much damage to the training dummies, due to them currently being unable to “dodge or deflect attacks”; a fix is in the works to make them a little less dumb!
  • Georg Zoeller explains why the TTK (time to kill) in PvP as of Game Update 1.2 appears to be significantly lower that it was previously. It boils down to the Expertise stat mattering a lot more than it did, some buffs from Legacy unlocks adding more than BioWare expected, and stacking debuffs from multiple players on a single target being a little too effective.
5. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @thehatfield, @shotgun_burger, @MuskokaJ, @wrxlvr, @D_Willoughby, @killacayne and @PaulDemars.
6. The Sarlacc Digest

We discuss itemisation in Game Update 1.2, based on a post by Georg Zoeller. Some of the key points:

  • The stats on the original tier of gear—Tionese (126), Columni (136) and Rakata (140)—remain unchanged. While the armoring mod on these items can now be removed, the set bonus (if present) is associated with the item shell, not the armoring mod.
  • You can now get Columni from all bosses (except the last) in the new Lost Island Flashpoint; its last boss drops Rakata.
  • Rakata items can also be obtained from bosses in the new operation, Explosive Conflict in story mode.
  • There are two new sets of PvE gear in the next tier: Campaign and Black Hole.
  • Campaign items share the same set bonus as the original tier, but this bonus is carried on the armoring mod, and thus may be transferred to any orange item. Note that these armoring modes are “bind-to-slot”, and so can only be inserted into a like item (e.g., an armoring mode from Campaign gloves can only be placed in an orange gloves).
  • Campaign items are obtained (via tokens) from the operation Explosive Conflict in hard mode and the new world boss on Belsavis.
  • Black Hole items have a different stat distribution to Campaign gear, and no set bonus. They items can be purchased via Black Hole Commendations. They also drop from bosses in Explosive Conflict on all modes.
  • For PvP, a new entry-level set of blue items, purchasable with credits, has been added for level 50s wanting to get into PvP. Due to the increased value of Expertise in PvP, this set may be more effective than Columni in warzones.
  • The existing Battlemaster gear no longer has a valor rating requirement, and may be purchased via Warzone Commendations.
  • War Hero is the new tier of PvP gear. It has no valor rating requirement, and is purchased via Ranked Warzone Commendations, which may only be obtained at the moment by exchanging Warzone Commendations (at a 3:1 ratio).
  • In Game Update 1.3, a crafter-friendly way will be providedto allow an augment slot to be added to an orange item that doesn’t already have one. Currently, an augment slot is only present if the orange item was crit-crafted.
  • No higher level augments will be added in Game Update 1.2 (and probably 1.3) beyond the current highest, which have an effective level of 49.
  • There is a known bug that prevents crafted orange items from being reverse engineered.
  • Hopefully Game Update 1.3 will bring social gear that will adapt its armour type to that of the character’s Advanced Class, rather than being only light armour as it is now.
7. Outro

Thanks to Agi (@Agitarsi) and Oni (@Freakin_Ninja) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 23

This week, Chill and Teo and joined by Agi, Oni and (gatecrashing) Hyp to discuss the latest news in the aftermath of Game Update 1.2’s release, including the Rakghoul Outbreak live event!

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question

This week’s challenge: Storm troopers in Star Wars are left-handed. We know this because they all sign their mortgage checks with their left hands. Just kidding! They hold their guns left-handed. The lore explanation is that they are all cloned from the same person. Let’s not bicker and argue about all the issues that raises. After all, there is also a non-lore explanation. What is it?

If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize (this week not limited to characters on the Space Slug server), please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com.

4. The Holofeed
  • Patch 1.2.0b was deployed during Tuesday’s maintenance.
  • SWTOR.com has a new look!
  • The free character transfers promised for late April commence on 24 April. If you’re eligible, you’ll need to specify which characters you want moved before then. More information can be found in the FAQ.
  • James Ohlen told Darth Hater that server mergers, as a solution to helping populate low-pop servers, were off the table during an interview at PAX East. However, Daniel Erickson subsequently told NowGamer that they were very much an option, though character transfers would be used first to help balance server populations.
  • In this week’s poll, James Ohlen wants to know what players would like the Group Finder (definitely coming in Game Update 1.3, though it will be limited to finding players on the same server) to handle first.
  • The Rakghoul Outbreak live event is keeping players busy this week, though it concludes on 24 April. Head to Tatooine before it’s gone!
  • Daniel Erickson let players know that some short-term changes to warzones would be patched very shortly.
5. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @weihanthekidsun (Weihan Sun), @wrxlvr (Arron Thornton), @toliman (Joli), @Nethwench (Neth), @sterlinglee38 (Sterling), @ChewUI_SWTOR, @D_Willoughby (DeWayne Willoughby) and @Freakin_Ninja (Oni).
6. Outro

Thanks to Agi (@Agitarsi), Oni (@Freakin_Ninja) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 22

Chill and Teo are joined by Hyp and Agi to discuss Game Update 1.2 which, while certainly fantastic, has had its accompanying trials and tribulations.

1. Introduction

Teo’s initial foray into UI redesign. Note that he’s got his ship droid with him because the rest of his companions are on slicing missions!

2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question

This week’s challenge: Tatooine is rightly a famous planet, not because of its location, which is always described as backwater and off the main space lanes.  It is famous because it is the homeworld of Anakin and Luke Skywalker.  It appears in most of the six Star Wars movies.  However, it is never seen in one movie, and never named in one movie.  Which one or two movies?

If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com.

4. The Holofeed
  • Game Update 1.2 – Legacy (patch 1.2.0) was deployed on Thursday night, requiring 8 hours of downtime.
  • It had actually been accidentally made available for download in a 15 minute window the day before; anyone who tried to login during that time had their game installation corrupted, requiring a full reinstall. All those affected will be granted 3 free days of gametime.
  • It was followed by patch 1.2.0a on Friday night, needing another 4 hours of downtime.
  • Unfortunately, this didn’t go so well: many things had reverted to their pre-1.2 state. The servers were then taken down an hour or so later for repairs, coming back up 6.5 hours later. As compensation, all players will get a free day of gametime.
  • BioWare announces that to celebrate the release of Game Update 1.2, everyone will get a Tauntaun Ram. In addition, anyone with at least one level 50 and/or have achieved legacy level 6 will get a month of free game time, and anyone who has cancelled their subscription can come back for 7 days for free!
  • We discuss the community Q&A published on 6 April.
  • FORCE Junkies provides a most helpful pair of infographics to interpret the somewhat obscure icons used to identify the various classes and ACs.
  • Hyp refers us to the Kickstarter project Plastic Galaxy: A Documentary About Star Wars Toys.
5. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @Rrubb (Rub), @weihanthekidsun (Weihan Sun), @Praemorior (Henri Huittinen), @bytorsnowdog (Snowy), @thehatfield (Hatfield), @Rippthedeceiver (Ripp), @sterlinglee38 (Sterling), @wingthequick (Wingy), @PaulDemars (Paul Demars) and @Lexx_Sylveste (Sylv).
  • Here’s the Rebel Bass (sic) that Hatfield found:

  • BenC tells us that cybertech is extremely viable at the moment, particularly when selling earpieces with and without an augment slot. He’s making some serious credits!
  • Jedidiah refers us to Ask Mr Robot’s database of items to help sort out what’s new in Game Update 1.2.
  • We discuss Eric’s idea for providing some community-driven direction for players to help fill out currently under-populated servers.
6. Outro

Thanks to Agi (@Agitarsi) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.

Thanks for listening. We hope you continue to enjoy your time in Star Wars: The Old Republic!


OotiniCast Episode 21

Chill and Teo are joined once again by Hyp and Oni to discuss the news, again focusing on Game Update 1.2 which is drawing ever closer. We also look in depth at what the Guild Bank will offer, and discuss some of its limitations.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question
  • This week’s challenge: We’ve already mentioned in a previous trivia question that Return of the Jedi’s shooting title was “Blue Harvest” and why. But another fact about Jedi’s title was that it was originally going to be “Revenge of the Jedi.” But the producers changed the name for two reasons. One was that revenge didn’t feel very “Jedi-like.” What is the other, Star Trek-related reason for the name change?
  • If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com
4. The Holofeed
5. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @bytorsnowdog (Snowy), @OriginalBioZed (BioZed), @shotgun_burger, @Jimothyk and @Rippthedeceiver.
  • Hatfield emails in to let us know how he’s going with his Jedi Shadow.
  • Snowy has compiled a list of the top 5 features he’d like to see added to the game, and sent them to us to discuss!
6. The Sarlacc Digest

We give an overview of the guild bank that is available in Game Update 1.2, based on our own experiences on the PTS, Larry Everett’s Hyperspace Beacon: Breaking the bank and Dulfy’s Guild Bank and Vehicle Achievements in 1.2.

7. Outro

Thanks to Oni (@Freakin_Ninja) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 20

Chill and Teo are joined by Hyp and Oni to discuss the news, focusing on the upcoming Game Update 1.2 and our time on the PTS. We also talk through our first SWTOR raiding experiences as a guild.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question
  • This week’s challenge: The Millennium Falcon has a history of association with gambling. After all, the current owner, Han Solo, won it in a game of sabacc from its previous owner, Lando Calrissian, that famous “card player, gambler, scoundrel.” And you might not be surprised to learn that Lando also had himself won the Falcon in an earlier game of sabacc. But not only that, the Millennium Falcon has on board a piece of gambling equipment. The question is: what gambling equipment, and where is it seen? (No, I’m not talking about the chess board.) Hint: you can definitely see it in “A New Hope,” and I’m not sure if you can see it anywhere else.
  • If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com
4. The Holofeed
  • No new patch was deployed to the live servers this week. While there is a 5 hour maintenance this coming Tuesday, this will not be the deployment of Game Update 1.2.
  • However, plenty of patches were made to Game Update 1.2 on the PTS! You can always find the latest PTS patch notes here.
  • William Wallace, Senior Game Designer, goes into lots of detail about the new legacy system with his developer blog, Your Legacy Begins.
  • We discuss the community Q&A published on 23 March.
  • Stephen Reid gave a couple of hints (1, 2) about the dynamic events that will be appearing sometime after Game Update 1.2 goes live.
  • SWTOR now has an official podcast, hosted by Brooks Guthrie and Eric Musco.
5. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @bryterside (Bryter), @JDawson268 (Beardsley), @thehatfield (Hatfield), @bytorsnowdog (Snowy), @shotgun_burger (who else?) and @sterlinglee38 (Sterling).
  • Ben Murray, who plays Monk (a Mercenary on The Harbinger server), emailed in about there being nothing useful to do with Warzone Commendations while leveling up solely through PvP; you quickly run out of things to buy, especially if you’re in orange moddable gear. He suggests that one possibility would be to make mods purchasable with those commendations, rather than having to spend credits to buy them from crafters.
6. The Sarlacc Digest

Our topic is our first experience raiding in SWTOR as a guild. We’ve raided twice since our last show; the first time was Saturday 24 March, where we cleared 4/5 in normal/story mode Eterity Vault, and had a few goes at Soa. We raided again on Wednesday 28 March, this time clearing EV, and then taking down the first boss in Karagga’s Palace.

The raid team consisted of a Vanguard tank, Jedi Sage and Command healers, three DPS Commandos and two DPS Scoundrels. Not the most diverse group!

Overall, it was great experience, comparable with anything we’ve seen in WoW. We’re looking forward to getting back in there next week, to continue gearing up to hopefully start tackling the hard modes before too much longer.

7. Outro

Thanks to Oni (@Freakin_Ninja) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 19

This week is all about the detail in Game Update 1.2, which is now being tested on the PTS! Oni and Agi join your hosts Chill and Teo to discuss the changes that are coming.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question
  • This week’s challenge: Being stealthy on the Death Star is a good thing if you’re part of the Rebel Alliance. But in “A New Hope,” there was one Imperial who walked around silently on the Death Star, despite apparently wearing boots. Which Imperial, and why?
  • If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com
4. The Holofeed
  • Patch 1.1.5c was deployed during Tuesday’s maintenance.
  • An unexpected patch 1.1.5d turned up on Friday morning. This was during early evening Friday night for Australia, with Stephen Reid posting about why this was necessary.
  • For the second weekend in a row, anyone who has never tried SWTOR may try the game for 4 days (22-26 March).
  • We discuss the community Q&A published on 16 March.
  • Georg Zoeller, Principal Lead Combat Designer, gives us a detailed overview of crew skills in Game Update 1.2 in the latest developer blog.
5. The Sarlacc Digest
6. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @sterlinglee38 (Sterling), @anditwasgood, @wingthequick, @new5thpants (D.A.Leary), @CarlosAlejandre, @Lexx_Sylveste (Sylv), @shotgun_burger, @bytorsnowdog (Snowy) and @rippthedeceiver (Ripp).
  • @tinokwow refers us to this YouTube video about lightsaber techniques. Most educational!
7. Outro

Thanks to Oni (@Freakin_Ninja) and Agi (@Agitarsi) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 18

Chill and Teo are joined by Rub and Hyp to discuss the news, focusing on the clarifications provided for the imminent Game Update 1.2; we also talk about some interesting issues and questions raised in listener email.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question
  • This week’s challenge: Lucas’s “American Graffiti” is basically how we ended up with Harrison Ford in Star Wars. We also got something else from “American Graffiti,” specifically from the second dialogue of the second reel. What else did Star Wars get from American Graffiti?
  • If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com
4. The Holofeed
5. Sarlacc Digest Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @thehatfield (Hatfield), @shotgun_burger (ShotgunBurger), @OriginalBioZed (BioZed), @bryterside (Bryter), @toliman (Joli), @Lexx_Sylveste (Sylv), @Vallant1985 (Val), @bytorsnowdog (Snowy), @MIZM764 (Mitchell Hill) and @ForceChuckle.
  • If you are interested in general gaming, we recommend that you subscribe to the OGL Cast on iTunes, the podcast hosted by the Oz Gamer’s League (including BioZed and ShotgunBurger).
  • JD let us know that the datacron location guide from RepublicTrooper.com that he recommended previously wasn’t working out too well; he advises that it be used with caution.
  • Jed emailed us to ask when is an explit really an exploit? An inconclusive discussion failing to resolve this question ensued.
  • Evan from Boston (Orlin on our Space Slug server) emailed to ask about differences in playing the mirror classes between the factions. He also was wondering that if it were possible, who (or what) would we like to have as a new companion?
  • Snowy has been experimenting with hybrid specs on his Jedi Sage. He wonders whether we’ve been doing the same on our characters.
  • Alex Young emails to propose dishwashing as an addition way to keep our companions out of trouble, asks how to use shields and torpedoes in space missions, and hopes that they’ll be a vendor for those who manage to maintain a neutral light/dark side alignment.
6. Outro

Thanks to Rub (@Rrubb) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

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