OotiniCast Episode 190

Chill interviews Andrew, who writes the SWTOR Economics blog at swtoreconomics.com.

You can follow Andrew on Twitter using @SWTOReconomics, subscribe to his YouTube channel, and email him using SWTOReconomics@gmail.com.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker.


OotiniCast Episode 189

In this week’s news-focused show, we go over the final details for Game Update 3.1, the publication of Bruce Maclean’s roadmap for 2015, a teaser for the Season 4 rewards, and the cancellation of Shadow Realms.

1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Paul! Thanks to Nightmare, Pluto and x2oh6 for entering.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-R3 droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

  • The deployment of Game Update 3.1 was delayed from the usual Tuesday to Thursday to fix some issues that would have needed a subsequent emergency patch.
  • It includes the Apprentice’s Shadow Pack. The rarities of some items, while correct in terms of actual drop rate, are incorrect in the Collections UI. Also, the Yavin Combat Arena and Revanite Zealot decorations can be found in this pack, rather than the Pilgrim’s Pack as indicated by the Decoration UI.
  • The Sniper’s Laze Target ability remains bugged, and will not be fixed before Game Update 3.1.1 at the earliest.
  • Bruce Maclean’s Producer’s Road Map 2015, which was read aloud at the Community Cantina held at PAX South, has been published. While it refers to a Spring release for Game Update 3.2, Eric Musco (Community Manager) confirms that 28 April remains their target, though is (of course!) subject to change. Eric also provided some further clarifications to Bruce’s letter.
  • Alex Modny has published a teaser for the rewards for Ranked PvP Season 4, which will include the Swashbuckler’s Weapon Set. He subsequently mentioned that the weapons would be provided in a BoP lockbox, though the weapons would be bind-to-legacy. The models used for the weapons were confirmed to be unique to the Season 4 rewards.
  • The location and time for the Community Cantina being held in conjunction with PAX East have been published.
  • Courtney Woods from the community team demonstrates that she’s also a great writer in The Price of Power.
  • BioWare Austin’s Shadow Realms, a new 4v1 game, has been cancelled.

4. Community

Our guide to the set bonuses available for all Advanced Classes has been updated for Game Update 3.0.

5. Force Feedback

Thanks to Chong, Ootini Rage’s flagship The Star Crawler has a new tank!

Chong - tank on the guildship 1

Chong - tank on the guildship 2

Andrew Kim referred us to this video interview by Schmoes Know with author Drew Karpyshyn.

6. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4) and Simon (@RPGBeatsRL).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


Ootini War Room Deployment 1

Welcome to the inaugural Ootini War Room! This series, hosted by Turg and ably assisted by a panel of PvP aficionados, will initially delve into how well the various Advanced Classes do in PvP, starting with the Jedi Guardian/Sith Juggernaut.

The next show (in a couple of weeks) will tackle Commando/Mercenary. Please vote in this poll to guide the choice of the third Advanced Class to be covered.

The apps mentioned during the show, to help you with your Utility choices, are the Talent Calculator for SWTOR (iOS) and the Disciplines Calculator SWTOR (Android).

On the show this week were Turg (@TheTurg), Pez (@MyVery0wnFlag), Chong (@EmpireDivider) and Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor).

You can email questions and comments about the show to OotiniWarRoom@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniWarRoom. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker.


OotiniCast Episode 188

In the news, there’s the final word on the Ravagers exploit, more detail on what’s coming next week in Game Update 3.1: Conflict on Rishi, and lots more. Then in our discussion we walk through the four hard mode Flashpoints introduced in Game Update 3.0, with a few tips to make them that much easier.

1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, CapsSlapshot27! Thanks to Ryenke, Sabo, Tim Rogan and Nightmare for entering.

Here’s the full tip from CapsSlapshot27 for the Underlurker encounter in Temple of Sacrifice:

For those of you that have less experience on fighting Underlurker, here are some easy tips to follow to improve your groups progress on killing him.

-Pop raid buffs when dps jump in initially. This is a 4:50 enrage, but the enrage doesn’t hit as hard as you would expect. If you are lucky, your group can get 2 sets of raid buff on the boss. In addition, if a commando uses his alacrity buff first, then all other raid buffs are popped in the next 10 seconds, all those raid buffs will have a shorter cooldown, due to the increased alacrity.

-An easy way to tell if your group has enough dps is that the boss should be near 80% by the time the first set of adds spawn. If your group is more than 5% off from this target, you should focus on increasing your groups damage output. Wave 1 of adds spawn-80%, Wave 2 of adds spawn-70%, Wave 3 of adds spawn-60%, Wave 4 of adds spawn-50%, Wave 5 of adds spawn-40%, When the 6th set of add spawn, he enrages, boss should be at less than 10% at this point

-When the dps are attacking the adds, have the whole group, minus the main tank, behind the add you are attacking, then when add #1 is down, move behind the next add. This will minimize damage done to the group, and will make aoe heals easier for healers.

-Dps should all be attacking the same add, and know what order they are killing the adds. A recommended strategy for deciding which order to kill the adds is, on the first add wave, kill the adds closest to the entrance, then move towards the back add. When the boss has finished his plus mechanic, which ever add you are closest to, whether it be the closest to entrance, or the closest to exit, should be the dps’s first target and move in a line toward the opposite add.

-Try to have the whole group, minus the main tank stand behind one rock, or 2 rocks close together, and the main tank standing behind a rock on the other side of the room, this will allow people to predict the orientation of the plus mechanic

-Mark the 3 players going to the left (or right) arm. This is so if a player needs to see what side of the boss to go on, they can just look for markers, and immediately recognize “do I go to players with marks above their heads, or do I go to a players without marks above their heads.”

-If your group has a Vanguard as a tank, use riot gas right before he channels rage storm. This make a significant amount of the damage dealt by rage storm miss anyone struggling to get behind a rock

-The tank on the boss should stay away from the adds, as they will take an added amount of damage which will be difficult for the healers. As a vanguard, I stand 10 meters away from the add that the dps will down last, have the boss in between me and the add, and use ion storm (conal attack) as often as possible to do damage to the boss, as well as to the add.

-There will be 5 sets of adds, 5 collapses/rage storms, and 5 pluses that you will have to deal with before the boss enrages. It is recommended to only skip the 5th set of adds but still perform the collapse and plus mechanic for the 5th round.

-If your group is having a bit of trouble dps-ing the boss, the off-tank can switch to a dps, as 2 tanks are not a necessity on this boss. This is not something a group should rely on every week, but this will improve dps a bit if you choose to use this method. Keep in mind on the plus phase, anyone can stand behind the boss, it doesn’t have to be someone with a high threat, as I have experimented and threat levels don’t matter (excluding the maintank). I personally would recommend a dps with heavy armor stand in the back though.

The last tip is more of a “check” this is a recommendation of what your groups stats should be for clearing this boss. Keep in mind you can have lower stats and still clear it, but these are RECOMMENDED numbers
-Tank Mitigation rating 3400 (mitigation rating calculated by shield+absorb+defense)
-No minimum offtank mitigation rating
-Both tanks pulling close to 1400 dps
-Each dps pulling 3500 on dummy
-Healers with gear rating of 9200+ (our guild totals this number as mainstat+power+crit+surge+ alacrity+forcepower or tech power)

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-R3 droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

  • Eric Musco (Community Manager) has made his promised post about the actions taken against those who participated in the Ravagers exploit.
  • In Ranked PvP Season 4, BioWare will be actively identifying those players who are win trading on a weekly basis, and after a single warning will subsequently apply some harsh consequences. He elaborated on how the process used will avoid false positives.
  • Courtney Woods has provided a preliminary schedule for the Community Cantinas planned for 2015. This is subject to change, and should not be considered final until the official post has been made by BioWare.
  • We now have a page on the official site dedicated to Game Update 3.1: Conflict on Rishi which will be deployed on Tuesday 10 February. Tait Watson has also posted some preliminary patch notes which are subject to change.
  • While Tait’s personal crusade to fix Codex and Achievement issues continues, there are higher priority issues that need to be addressed first.
  • The guidelines for the Bug Report forum have been updated by Tait, along with a post describing how to write the ideal bug report.

4. Community

We’d like to recommend The Usual Podcast, a new show featuring long-time community stalwart Marshall Carr and his friend Will. It will cover SWTOR, Star Wars in general, and pop culture.

Another new podcast is Casual Core Radio, starring Drew (Geldarion) and Joe Foran. It’s a general gaming show discussing SWTOR and other games (mainly MMOs) that they are playing.

For anyone interested in the SWTOR economy, and extracting credits from it, we highly recommend the new blog swtoreconomics.com. You can follow its author on Twitter using @SWTOREconomics.

Swtorista has created an image gallery (more details about it here) showing a number of secret (generally unknown and/or hard to obtain) pets, which includes notes on how to get them.

Marisi of the progression guild Zorz has created an online non-real-time combat log analysis site called Parsely. You can read all about it here.

5. Force Feedback

It seems that Turg thinks that Sages are particularly popular in PvP at the moment. Can’t really see why:

Turg - Are Sages OP

Chinn’ook and Damon Homer both recommend that you check out the Star Wars-themed Humble Bundle. You’ve got under two weeks to grab it!

Chong has discovered that Cathar eyes glow in the dark:

Chong - glowing eyes

Courtesy of Reddit user Hahawl, it seems that a new character species has made a surprise appearance on the PTS!

PTS - new species Jawa

Kuze has a plan for rescuing the now not-to-compelling Contraband Slot Machines:

I believe the issue with the contraband slot machine is using the night life slot machine game design instead of a new one. Bioware should have based the contraband and future slots off of the rewards given. Here is just one example of how I would have implemented the contraband slot machine. The goal with stronghold items (like this one) should be to make things fun, unique, and resourceful to a point, without affecting other aspects of the game.

Here is a quick overview of the current machine play style and rewards. The current machine will only result in 3 options when activated.

  1. Loss = Nothing.
  1. Normal Reward = Contraband Chip. 
  1. Jackpot = Everything else (All three tiers of crafting tokens, all three tiers of reputation items, cartel certificate, and walker mount).

Just by looking at this setup you can clearly see some issues. The functionality of how the slot machine works should have been developed based of the value, level, and number of rewards. After the basic design was completed the win ratios should have been applied. This is the format I will take below. First I will layout the game design and then give my quick opinion of ratios.

My design would have 4 options not 3.

  1. Loss = Nothing 
  1. Lesser Reward = Contraband Chip, Green reputation item, Green crafting token.
  1. Medium reward = Contraband Chip x2, Blue reputation item, Blue crafting token, Pet from that respective shipment.
  1. Jackpot = Purple reputation item, Purple crafting token, Certificate, Mount from the respective shipment, Walker mount.

Ratios: I don’t have time at this moment to give specific percentages but I would definitely make the jackpots hits rare and keep the special reward ratios very low.

Given this design Bioware could breakdown the rewards in such a way that the machines would stay useful and fun without disrupting the game play for other people. Having a more diverse reward system keeps things interesting and gives Bioware a little more room for tweaking ratios. A weekly spend limit by account or individual player debuff can be injected if needed to keep normal players, bots, and gold farmers from going overboard.

6. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4) and Kuze (@Kuze, YouTube).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


PvE and PvP 2-, 4- and 6-piece set bonuses for all classes

(This is based directly on Chill’s original post, that was subsequently updated for the set bonus changes introduced in Game Update 2.0 and updated in Game Update 2.7.)

It seems every time I look for one of these online I end up with a dead link or a random reference that doesn’t help. So here they are.

In Game Update 3.0, we now have 2-piece, 4-piece and 6-piece bonuses. This means that there are now 7 item slots (head, chest, hands, waist, legs, feet, wrist) with gear that can have a set bonus.

Also in Game Update 3.0, the set bonuses for PvE and PvP were made the same. However, the sets do not mix and match; 3 pieces of PvE Vindicator and 1 of PvP Vindicator will not give the 4-piece bonus (instead, only the PvE 2-piece bonus will be active).

The 2-, 4- and 6-piece information below is from information found in-game, and is copyright BioWare.

Sith Warrior (Marauder and Juggernaut) and Jedi Knight (Sentinel and Guardian)

Vindicator 2-piece Sundering Assault or Sundering Strike increases damage dealt by 2% for 15 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
4-piece Reduces the minimum range of Saber Throw by 10 meters.
6-piece Activating Saber Throw will grant Vindicator’s Critical Bonus making your next Impale and Furious Strike or Overhead Slash and Concentrated Slice critically hit. This effect cannot occur more than once every minute.
War Leader 2-piece Crushing Blow or Guardian Slash increases damage reduction by 2% for 4 seconds.
4-piece Aegis Assault or Warding Strike reduces the cooldown of Taunt and Challenging Call or Threatening Scream by 2 seconds per activation.
6-piece Increases the duration of Blade Turning by 1.5 seconds, and the duration of Invincible or Warding Call by 3 seconds.
Weaponmaster 2-piece Battering Assault or Zealous Strike increases damage dealt by 2% for 15 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
4-piece Reduces the cooldown of Frenzy or Valorous Call by 15 seconds. Additionally, activating Berserk or Zen increases all damage dealt by 3% for 10 seconds.
6-piece Activating Ravage or Master Strike will grant Weaponmaster’s/Challenger’s Critical Bonus making your next Vicious Throw, Furious Strike and Annihilate or Dispatch, Concentrated Slice and Merciless Slash critically hit. This effect can’t occur more than once every minute.

Sith Inquisitor (Assassin and Sorcerer) and Jedi Consular (Shadow and Sage)

Force-Master 2-piece Turbulence or Force Serenity and Thundering Blast or Force Leech increase damage dealt by 2% for 15 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
4-piece Reduces cost of Lightning Strike and Force Lightning or Disturbance and Telekinetic Throw by 2 and reduces the cooldown of Polarity Shift or Mental Alacrity by 15 seconds.
6-piece Lightning Strike and Lightning Bolt or Disturbance and Telekinetic Burst reduce the cooldown of Recklessness or Force Potency by 1 second.
Force-Mystic 2-piece Activating a healing ability has a 15% chance to grant Force-Mystic’s Critical Bonus which causes your next Dark Infusion or Deliverance to be a critical. This effect can only occur once every 30 seconds.
4-piece Consumption or Noble Sacrifice no longer removes any health when used with a stack of Force Surge or Resplendence.
6-piece Reduces cooldown of Innervate or Healing Trance by 1.5 seconds.
Stalker 2-piece Ball Lightning and Leeching Strike or Psychokinetic Blast and Serenity Strike increase damage dealt by 2% for 15 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
4-piece Reduces the cooldown of Recklessness or Force Potency by 15 seconds.
6-piece After activating Voltaic Slash and Thrash or Clairvoyant Strike and Double Strike your next Assassinate and Maul or Spinning Strike and Shadow Strike will critically hit. This effect can only occur once every minute.
Survivor 2-piece Wither or Slow Time increases damage reduction by 2% for 3 seconds.
4-piece Wither or Slow Time reduces the cooldown of Mind Control and Mass Mind Control by 2 seconds per activation.
6-piece Dark Ward’s or Kinetic Ward’s duration is increased by 3 seconds and charges are increased by 3.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary and Powertech) and Trooper (Commando and Vanguard)

Combat Medic 2-piece Activating a healing ability has a 15% chance to grant Combat Medic’s Critical Bonus which causes your next Rapid Scan or Medical Probe to be a critical. This effect can only occur once every 30 seconds.
4-piece While in Combat Support Cylinder or Combat Support Cell the duration of Supercharged Gas and Supercharge Cells is increased by 5 seconds.
6-piece Reduces the cooldown of Healing Scan or Advanced Medical Probe by 1.5 seconds.
Combat Tech 2-piece Flaming Fist and Magnetic Blast or Shockstrike and Tactical Surge increase damage dealt by 2% for 15 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
4-piece Flaming Fist and Rocket PUnch’s heat is reduced by 2 or Shockstrike and Stockstrike energy cells is reduced by 2.
6-piece Activating Flame Burst and Magnetic Blast or Ion Pulse and Tactical Surge will grant Combat Tech’s Critical Bonus making one of your next Energy Burst and Immolate or Cell Burst and Fire Pulse critically hit. This effect can’t occur more than once every minute.
Eliminator 2-piece Heatseeker Missile and Serrated Shot or Demolition Round and Serrated Bolt increase damage dealt by 2% for 15 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
4-piece Power Surge or Tech Override’s cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds.
6-piece Activating Unload and Blazing Bolts or Full Auto and Boltstorm will grant Eliminator’s Critical Bonus making your next Heatseeker Missile and Mag Shot or Demolition Round and Mag Bolt critically hit. This effect can only occur once a minute.
Supercommando 2-piece Heat Blast or Energy Blast increases damage reduction by 2% for 5 seconds.
4-piece While Ion Gas Cylinder is active, Rocket Punch or Stockstrike reduce the cooldowns of Neural Dart and Sonic Missile or Neural Jolt and Sonic Round by 2 seconds.
6-piece Increases the duration of Oil Slick or Riot Gas by 3 seconds and the duration of Energy Shield or Reactive Shield by 4 seconds.

Imperial Agent (Operative and Sniper) and Smuggler (Scoundrel and Gunslinger)

Enforcer 2-piece Laceration and Corrosive Assault or Sucker Punch and Brutal Shots increase damage dealt by 2% for 15 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
4-piece Backstab and Leathal Strike or Backblast and Point Blank Shot’s energy cost is reduced by 2.
6-piece Activating Shiv and Veiled Strike or Blaster Whip and Bludgeon will grant Enforcer’s Critical Bonus making your next volatile Substance and Corrosive Assault or Blood Broiler and Brutal Shots critically hit. This effect can only occur once every minute.
Field Medic 2-piece Activating a healing ability has a 15% chance to grant Field Medic’s Critical Bonus which causes your next Kolto Injection or Underworld Medicine to be a critical. This effect can only occur once every 30 seconds.
4-piece Reduces the energy cost of Kolto Infusion or Kolto Pack by 2.
6-piece Reduces the cooldown of Kolto Waves by 1 second.
Field Tech 2-piece Activating Explosive Probe, Ambush and Lethal Shot or Sabotage Charge, Aimed Shot and Dirty Blast increases damage dealt by 2% for 15 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
4-piece Reduces the cooldown of Target Acquired or Illegal Mods by 15 seconds, and activating either ability restores 15 energy.
6-piece Laze Target or Smuggler’s Luck now has 2 charges and it’s duration is doubled.

OotiniCast Episode 187

Lots of news from the Community Cantina that was held at PAX South last week! Then in our discussion, we go through some community opinions on what BioWare should do in response to “that” exploit.

1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Ricky! Thanks to Josh, Bulaklak, Sukai, Chong and Dephine for entering.

Chong believes that having one of these in your Stronghold:

Chong - Brain

… will fund your addiction to this:

Chong - Slot machine

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-R3 droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

Star Wars: The Old Republic also contributed to the segment with the expansion “Shadow of Revan” attracting many more people into the game with this epic new storyline. Star Wars fans remain deeply engaged in the Old Republic universe, and we’re more excited to see how that will build as we get closer to the launch of the Star Wars movie this December.

  • A Community Cantina was held at PAX South on Friday evening. Larry Everett was in attendance, and wrote up his impressions. There is also Dulfy’s summary which includes the flashdrive assets. You can watch the Q&A here. There was also a reading of Bruce Maclean’s next Producer’s Letter, due to be published in a couple of weeks, which you can read below:

Hi everyone,

For many, the start of the year is a time for setting goals and planning for the future. This is something we’ve been focusing on here at BioWare Austin. 2014 was an amazing year for the team. We delivered two expansions, an overhaul to the class system, and regular story updates through flashpoints. I’m proud of the what the team has accomplished, and we not have been able to do it without your support. Thank you.

I’m excited about what we have in store for you in 2015. Some of you might remember before launch, we talked about the four pillars of RPGs: combat, progression, exploration, and story. SWTOR is an MMO, but it’s also a BioWare game. Three years ago we set out to deliver a product that delivered the best of two worlds: the immersive story experience of a single player RPG and the vast array of systems and social connections from an online multiplayer game. Since launch we mainly focused on the latter, adding galactic stronghold, achievements, legacy perks, reputation tracks, and galactic starfighter. But with the success of the Shadow of Revan expansion, we think it’s time to return to our roots and what truly makes our game unique: story.

Shadow of Revan was just the beginning. In 2015, we are committed to bring you more character driven adventures in the Old Republic universe. You’re going to see a unified story with themes that unite our eight classes. Everyone is a veteran from the galactic civil war with a complicated past and uncertain future. You’ll see a greater emphasis on your character’s personal story and on the choices that you make. I don’t want to say too much more since we’re in the midst of development, but what we have planned really gets back to the Star Wars fantasy at the heart of our game.

Our plan is to deliver two major updates with this new story direction later this year. One in the summer and other by the end of the year. “But what’s happening in the meantime?” you might ask. Below is a list of what you can expect in the first half of the year. As always, please keep in mind that all of this is subject to change. We reserve the right to adjust our plans if we feel it is necessary.

On February 10th, we’ll have game update 3.1 which includes the following things:

1. Hardmode flashpoint Blood Hunt.
2. Hardmode flashpoint Battle of Rishi.
3. As well as the start of PvP season four.

For April 28th, which is our current tentative date for game update 3.2, we have a new system called the outfit designer. Stay tuned for a blog of this awesome new feature coming soon!

A new story arc on the planet Ziost. This story arc takes us to the Imperial homeworld of Ziost, where we answer many of the questions posed by the cliffhanger at the end of Shadow of Revan.

It also have the end of PvP season four and the start of season five.

Beyond that, we would like to, this year, do a new stronghold. In addition to that also add a new playable race: the Togruta. I kind of let the cat out of the bag on this one last year that the New York cantina, but now it’s in writing or on the interwebs via my voice.

This still more to be revealed for SWTOR this year. This is just the start. When we are further along in development, we’ll release more information that dives into the nitty gritty details of these new features.

I want to thank you, our galactic heroes, for continuing to support us. It’s your feedback and enthusiasm that makes SWTOR a better game and drives us to be better. All of our hard work is for you. May the Force be with you

Bruce Maclean

4. Community

Thanks to Squirr’al for this most generous donation!

The Reddit user Dentface has been unearthing concept art for SWTOR. So far, he’s found the work of Clint G. Young, Nick Hiatt, Ryan Dening and Zach Hall.

The new site huttspawn.com is looking for some help.

Our Ootini Knights guildmate and occasional guest Turg (@TheTurg) is starting his own Ootini-branded podcast focusing on PvP. Initially they will be focusing on a different Advanced Class each week, starting with the Guardian. Vote in this poll for the next Advanced Class that they will cover.

5. Force Feedback

Galvanized/Deathhammer is experiencing a very strange bug with his companion Guss Tuno:

Galvanized - Guss (small)

Tennya found this NPC in a hard to get to location in the Cartel Bazaar:

Star Wars The Old Republic-sniper NPC

Turg has observed that the Scoundrel DPS bracers appear to be missing their texture:

Turg - Missing Scoundrel bracer texture

6. Sarlacc Digest

We go through some opinions from our listeners on how BioWare should handle the recent Ravagers exploit. Thanks to Haelyn, thvbh, Ameel, Pallais, Giantgina and Exadon for their contributions.

7. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4) and Kranitoko (@Kranitoko, youtube.com/KranitokoGames, twitch.tv/kranitoko).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 186

Our favourite industrialist Bill joins us this week to discuss the economic impact of the slot machine and its subsequent nerf, along with the other news and Werit’s Q&A.

1. Introduction

If you’ve had any experience with Dolby Axon, a new player in the space dominated by Mumble, Ventrilo and TeamSpeak, please let us know!

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Dakit of the Defenders of the Republic guild on The Harbinger! Thanks to ndbbm and Flox for entering.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-R3 droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

  • Eric Musco (Community Manager) confirmed that the Contraband Slot Machine, as deployed by Game Update 3.0.2, was working as intended, and that using it was most definitely not an exploit.
  • When Game Update 3.0.2a was deployed on Wednesday morning, Eric gave us a preliminary warning about the incoming nerf to the Contraband Slot Machine.
  • The PTS with Game Update 3.1 has been closed, ahead of the deployment of Game Update 3.1.1 on the PTS. Before it was closed, a second update was made including changes for the tanking Disciplines for Assassins (Darkness) and Jedi Shadows (Kinetic Combat). The update also changed Improved Mounting from a character perk to be Legacy-wide.
  • Game Update 3.1 will also include the fix for the Dark Project MK-1 schematic that reverted in Game Update 3.0 to requiring Sythetic Energy Matrix rather than Self-Perpetuating Power Cell.
  • Alex Modny provided a look ahead for Ranked PvP: Season 4 will begin with Game Update 3.1, and will last three months. Season 5 will follow immediately from Season 4 without a pre-season. From Season 5, the lowest of the three tiers of rewards will have a minimum rating requirement, meaning that simply having participated will not be enough to earn that tier’s rewards.
  • Werit of Werit’s Blog collected ten questions from the community via the SWTOR sub-Reddit, and received some answers from BioWare, which he also posted on Reddit.
  • Hillary Nicole is leaving BioWare. She joined the team around the end of June 2014, and Wednesday 21 January was her last day. The new contact for guilds is Tait Watson, and for fan sites it’s Courtney Woods.

4. Community

Damon Homer nominated us for the People’s Choice award in the 10th Annual Podcast Awards. If you’d like to nominate us too (or any other podcasts you enjoy!), you have until 2 February.

If you’re after a lighthearted gaming podcast from a guy who does lots of funny voices, check out Boomy (@BoomysDarkside) on The Boomy Show!

Last week’s Ootini Rage was provided by JD (@GaddockTeeg) of the Unnamed SWTOR Podcast. This week’s is from @Freedious.

5. Force Feedback

Jay Connell recommends the iOS free SWTOR Holonet app for browsing the official forums on the go.

Aaree obtained a Contraband Slot Machine (back when they were a thing) for our Ootini Rage guild flagship, the Star Crawler:

Star Crawler slots

The following was posted by You Had One Job (@_youhadonejob) on Twitter:

You had one job - need to use the force

6. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4) and Bill (@BillLentz).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 185

Game Update 3.0.2 is here with lots of quality of life fixes. And slot machines!

1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Mikhael! Thanks to Sechari, Nati, Scott, Dephine, Ameel, x2oh6 and Sevek/Khymarr for entering.

Here are Dephine’s tips for saving time in the Battle of Rishi Tactical Flashpoint:

  1. Avoiding mobs outside:
    1. Right at the beginning, jump off the bridge on the left.  Sweep a big loop around the first set of mobs  on the dock by taking a long-cut through the water.
    2. After you destroy all the containers, jump off the far side of the bridge on the left, right before the first boss. You can bypass that entire group there.
    3. Before you go inside the final building (after you decide which ships to shoot at), go way around to the right and in through the door. You will have to fight the 4 mobs right before you click on the door before the final boss, but not the ones outside.
  2. Avoiding mobs inside:
    1. You MUST have a stealther for this. If you do, have all non-stealth toons wait outside each of the 3 bunkers you have to go in to click glowing panels. Two make it “easy mode,” but it can be done with one. A single stealther can click enter, click each panel, and then exit without getting aggro. Some of them require you to go ‘behind’ the panel and click it from there. Not sure if you Sentinels can do this with your new-fangled short duration stealth.

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

  • Game Update 3.0.2 was deployed during regular maintenance on Tuesday morning.
  • It includes the new Tree: Commemorative Meat Tree deco, available for 1 credit (up to 50 per legacy) from the Rishi reputation vendor Azarea Balawii on Rishi. Kuze provided the following screenshot:


  • If you want to find out more about the ancient threat that could arise on Yavin 4, see Dulfy’s guide.
  • Eric Musco has confirmed that the exploit in The Ravagers has been fixed in Game Update 3.0.2, and has outlined the process of dealing with those who took “undue advantage” of it. This poll started in the SWTOR sub-Reddit gives a view on how many players in that community utilised the exploit.
  • Eric Musco gave a detailed overview of the performance issues that players have been experiencing since Game Update 3.0 went live, and indicated how the development team is addressing them.
  • All players who have purchased the Shadow of Revan digital expansion will receive the welcome message in their in-game mail, with the Rishi Idol deco attached. Note that you can now have 10 Rishi Idols per legacy, rather than just 1.
  • The Acolyte’s Shadow Pack is now available for purchase. You can watch Kranitoko’s usual hypercrate opening video here (and we recommend you subscribe to his Kranitoko Games channel).
  • You may notice that the icons of items in your Legacy Storage have lost their border colour. This is a bug, though resetting your UI (via CTRL-U, CTRL-U) will temporarily fix the issue.
  • BioWare is seeking more information from players who experiencing login queues when the population is showing as Standard (rather than Heavy).
  • While there was no Bounty Contract Week in January, it is intended to return in February.
  • The Gree Event, scaled up to level 60, will return towards the end of February or in March. As of Game Update 3.1, the Cyan Sphere vehicle will be made available on the Gree event vendor, and will be purchasable with either Grey Helix components, or a mixture of Grey Helix components and Snow-covered Parcels from the Life Day event.
  • Game Update 3.1 is on the PTS. It includes class balancing, starting with Defence Guardians and Immortal Juggernauts. After we recorded, a second update was made, that changed the Improved Mounting perk to be legacy-wide rather than per character for the same cost (2 million credits requiring Legacy level 8, or 400 Cartel Coins).

4. Community

5. Force Feedback

Here is how the Wampa Rug deco that Ham Sammich obtained looks on our Ootini Knights flagship, the Vis Fidelis:

Ham - Wampa Rug

6. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4), Kuze (@kuze_roh, YouTube) and Turg (@TheTurg).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 184

Along with our usual news coverage, we discuss BioWare’s announced stance (and our opinions) on “that” exploit, which has become far too widespread in recent weeks.

1. Introduction

Redna was curious as to just how this character managed to get into this apparently unreachable location…

Red - how to get up there

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Yxl! Thanks to Johnny Bravo, Tistrel, Thaanatos, Shintar and Dephine for entering.

You can download the latest version of Dephine’s tank stat calculator spreadsheet here. This version had some additions provided by our guildmate Sukai. Dephine encourages anyone who’s willing to make their own improvements. If you’d like to share them with the community, please email your updated version to us!

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

  • BioWare have confirmed that Game Update 3.0.2 should be deployed at the end of the Third Anniversary event on Tuesday 13 January 2015. It will include adding level 55 Hard Mode and Tactical Flashpoints ot the Group Finder for level 60 players, granting the achievement for defeating the Torch in the Blood Hunt Tactical Flashpoint, the change of the Ranked PvP Season 3 title of “The Furious” to “Fairly Furious”, and fixing the Healing Challenge in the Dread Master Raptus encounter in Nightmare Mode Dread Palace. The issue with the Force Quake animation will not be fixed in 3.0.2.
  • The ongoing issues with ability delay and lag are being investigated, and more information will be provided by the end of this week. It seems that the UI enhancements introduced in Game Update 3.0 may be a major contributing factor in some cases.
  • There is currently a bug that boosts a player’s Power and Endurance if they have ship parts (from the original on-rails space game) equipped on their character. This is not considered an exploit.

4. Community

Geldarian found an easter egg in a mail message sent to his character, which he described in this post. He encourages other players to share any easter eggs they’ve encountered in the game.

The latest addition from SWTOR Tools is a site (swtorcartel.com) that lists all the current Cartel Market prices, along with a Twitter account (@swtorcartel) which posts price changes shortly after they happen in the game.

5. Force Feedback

Madmar (creator of #swtorfamily) encountered a rare issue where his game client preferences were completely reset:

Madmar - everything is reset

Turg is not impressed by the unimposing Yavin Temple Chandelier from Temple of Sacrifice when placed on our guild flagship:

Turg - Yavin Temple Chandelier

6. Sarlacc Digest

There is an exploit at large which has become widely known in the community. Eric Musco (Community Manager) posted on the official forums that (a) BioWare knows about the exploit and (b) anyone utilising the exploit can expect to be penalised, up to and including a permanent suspension of their account.

We discuss the situation arising as a result of the exploit and BioWare’s response to it.

7. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4) and Turg (@TheTurg).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!


OotiniCast Episode 183

We discuss whether SWTOR is Star Wars canon, and then share our predictions, hopes and dreams, and those of the community, about what 2015 will bring to the game.

1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Holmes/Mf-doom of the Jedi Covenant server!

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

3. Holofeed

  • The Twelve Days of SWTOR concluded on 29 December 2014.
  • While this week’s Conquest may reference a Rakghoul outbreak on Corellia, it’s not back this week.
  • In an interview with GameFront, Jeff Hickman (Executive Producer) and Bruce Maclean (Senior Producer) talk about the status of SWTOR in the new Star Wars canon.

4. Community

Forum user DorjeeVajra has created an open source collection of spreadsheets gathered from the community. He encourages us all to use and contribute as we see fit!

5. Force Feedback

Thanks to @UnholyAlliances for the kind mention she gave in her post pointing out positive members of the SWTOR community.

Dark spotted an NPC with a familiar name on the Imperial Fleet:

Dark - Gen Vizla

6. Sarlacc Digest

We discuss our predictions, hopes and dreams for SWTOR in 2015.

Thanks to Rachel (see her 2015 wish list), Mechadius, Pixelkaffe, Justin Sanudo, Freedious, XKing, FerrousTerran, Slade Evans, Revenge Forsaken, Nick, Ahsh, Tim Stratton, Joseph Brown, JB (Johnny Bravo), Haelen, Aaree, Megan, Kara Jade, Darklighter, Chong and Greg for their contributions!

7. Outro

On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Redna (@R3DN4, twitch.tv/r3dn4), Turg (@TheTurg) and Kranitoko (@Kranitoko, youtube.com/KranitokoGames).

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!
