OotiniCast Episode 17

Chill and Teo are once again joined by Hyp and Oni to discuss the avalanche of information unleashed at the Guild Summit about Game Update 1.2.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
  • Hyp’s Scoundrel is at least wearing clothes now, but you’ll have to decide whether it’s an improvement…

3. Trivia question
  • This week’s challenge: Some Star Wars math: How long does Obi-Wan consider a generation to be? To answer, you’ll have to know both your “New Hope” trivia, plus some information available on SWTOR.com. Answers within 5 years will be considered correct.
  • If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com
4. The Holofeed
  • Patch 1.1.5 was deployed during Tuesday’s maintenance.
  • The following colour crystals are being sold from the vendor added in patch 1.1.5, located in the GTN quadrant of the fleet, in the alcove next to the light side vendor:
    • +41 expertise (green, blue, cyan, red): 125K
    • +41 crit, power, endurance (cyan): 125K
    • +41 crit, power, endurance, expertise (purple): 250K
    • +31 crit, power, endurance, expertise (white): 1M
    • +41 crit, power, endurance, expertise (white): 2.5M
  • The Friends of Star Wars: The Old Republic promotion was launched on 6 March, which allows you to offer up to three friends a 7 day free trial of SWTOR.
  • We discuss the community Q&A published on 2 March.
  • Damion Schubert answered many questions during a Facebook Q&A.
  • There are no plans for a 64 bit SWTOR client.
  • Electronic Arts reveals that SWTOR retains 1.7M active subscriptions now; this matches the number reported in their earnings call a few weeks ago, when a large proportion of those being counted were in the first free month of game time. Now the free month has elapsed for most, but the number of subscriptions remains stable. Good news for SWTOR!
5. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @OriginalBioZed (BioZed), @PaulKearnan (ShotgunBurger), @Vallant1985 (Val), @Tinockwow (Tinock), @MesecLegacy (Zosimah), @Wingthequick (Wingy) and @toliman (Joli).
  • Due to all the Game Update 1.2 content, we’ll be going over the emails we received next week, in episode 18.
6. The Sarlacc Digest
  • We discuss Game Update 1.2 “Legacy”, many details of which were revealed during the Guild Summit, held earlier this week. The features we cover include:
    • New warzone: Novare Coast. Same-faction, like Huttball.
    • New operation: Explosive Conflict.
    • New Flashpoint: The Lost Island (sequel to Kaon under Siege, more Rakghouls!).
    • Expanded legacy system:
      • family tree
      • legacy unlocks (class buffs, species)
    • When character transfers become available in late April, the legacy level goes with the character being transferred, unless the player already has a legacy on the destination server which is higher (in which case the higher legacy level is retained.
    • UI customization
    • Improved character textures (probably means that high resolution textures are now available outside cut-scenes)
    • Appearance customization (head, hands, belt, legs, feet, bracers have a “match colour to chest” option)
    • Mission tracker usables (lets you click the item via your mission tracker, rather than having to find the item in your inventory’s “Mission Items” tab)
    • Warzone rankings, which are individual rather than team based; as with non-ranked warzones, you can queue solo or as a party
    • New items (tier 2, where the Tienese/Columni/Rakata make up tier 1)
    • Learnable tier 2 crafting items
    • New Corellia dailies
    • New minipets
    • Guild banks
    • New speeders, cybertech vehicles no longer BoP
    • The cost of speeder piloting will go down across all tiers (90%, 100%, 110%)
    • The cost of all 110% speeders will go up
    • Those speeders which had their price reduced in patch 1.1.5 will no longer be purchasable in Game Update 1.2
    • Craftable augments (craftable by synthweaving, armstech, armormech; mats from slicing)
    • Crit-craft orange gear (to give augment slots)
    • Increased chance of researching schematics
    • Reverse engineering random drops
    • Retractable tier 2 mods
    • Ship droids gain affection
    • They’re adding a vocal restraining bolt for our ship droids, to keep ’em quiet. Thank the Maker!
    • New roleplay emotes
    • Stackable companion gifts
    • Companion gift cooldown (currently 30 seconds) removed
    • More craftable colour crystals
    • Sprint (140%) at level 1 rather than level 14
    • Crafting mats from Ops may no longer be BoP, and become tradeable
    • Phasing out reusable BioChem items over time
    • They are indeed giving up on Ilum for now; a better open world PvP experience coming sometime down the track.
    • Group finder in 1.3 (not 1.2) for Flashpoints and missions.
    • As discussed in episode 16, a very detailed combat log, only parseable out-of-game will be available; this will only show what happens to your character, no others in your party or raid
7. Outro

Thanks to Oni (@Freakin_Ninja) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 16

Hyp and Oni once again join Chill and Teo to discuss this week’s news, including the imminent patch 1.1.5, the upcoming Game Update 1.2 and the latest community Q&A.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question
  • This week’s challenge: Beyond both being in Lucas-produced movies, how are the characters of Chewbacca and Indiana Jones connected?
  • If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com
4. The Holofeed
5. Sarlacc Digest Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @ben_b55 (Ben), @OriginalBioZed (Dale), @Paulk2225 (ShotgunBurger), @HalfMet, @Rippthedeceiver (Ripp), @StiffishCracker, @Wingthequick (Wingy) and @Aprillian.
  • We recommend listening to the OZG Cast, the official podcast of the Oz Gaming League, covering general gaming topics.
  • Snowy points out that there are Mission Support Vendors on Belsavis, not just Ilum, who sell mods, earpieces and implants for Daily Commendations.
  • Fellow Robes on Head member Fizz emails us with some great ideas on how to improve the game, including the fantastic notion of making our ship droid into a combat dummy!
  • Our fellow raider Sylv emails in to tell us about his SWTOR performance issues, and to ask how a social gamer who likes to hang with his friends can do that while still enjoying SWTOR’s story.
7. Outro

Thanks to Oni (@Freakin_Ninja) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 15

This week Chill and Teo are once again joined by Oni and Hyp, to discuss the news, the community Q&A, and to talk about what there is to do at level 50.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel

Here we see Hyp’s Scoundrel in all his massive glory. He has acquired the disturbing habit of surreptiously stripping down prior to entering a cut-scene when grouped with Teo. It is hard to convey just how much of a shock this was the first time it happened.

Hyp asks us to compare the loading screen for Belsavis with that used in World of Warcraft’s Razorfen Downs instance. He claims a striking similarity, and in examining the images closely, he may have a point!

3. Trivia question
  • This week’s challenge: In wars, areas can be strategic because they are important in terms of their location or in terms of their resources. For what strategic reason are the Republic and the Empire fighting over Ilum?
  • If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com
4. The Holofeed
  • Patch 1.1.4 was deployed during Wednesday’s maintenance, and patch 1.1.5 has just appeared on the PTS.
  • We discuss the community Q&A published on 17 Feb.
  • More information about Game Update 1.2, coming in March:
    • Apparent confirmation that we’ll be able to remove armoring mods from purple gear
    • Differences in timing of abilities between classes will be evened out with modified animations
    • Additional schematic drops for Artifice (and hopefully the other crafting professions!).
    • Legacy name change is coming (eventually).
    • In the case where both sides in the Void Star warzone are tied, the winnder is determined randomly for now, with a more sophisticated mechanism being implemented for Game Update 1.2.
5. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @IzaacTheOrc, @bytorsnowdog (Snowy), @Vallant1985 (Val), @CG5wan (Nick Swanson), @toliman (Joli), @JohnBarlak, @Rrubb (Rub), @Rippthedeceiver, @PallySayce, @Paulk2225 (ShotgunBurger), @StiffishCracker and @thehatfield.
  • @IzaacTheOrc pointed us to J!NX (purveyors of fine WoW shirts) have expanded their range to include SWTOR merchandise. Looks good!
  • @IzaacTheOrc also referred us to a list of useful SWTOR tips, which we’ll go over next week, adding our own to the mix.
  • Joli’s is managing a thread on the official forums that collates a long list of suggested GTN improvements. Why not add your own?
  • You can try out the beta version of Ask Mr. Robot’s SWTOR gear tool here.
6. The Sarlacc Digest
  • What do I do at level 50?
    • Finish your class story if you haven’t already; this will provide two breadcrumb quests that will send you to Ilum and Belsavis.
    • Each of those quests starts a chain that will unlock a number of daily quests.
    • There are 5 solo daily quests on Ilum, each awarding 1 Daily Commendation and 10762 credits. Doing them all takes 25-30 minutes.
    • There is also a heroic 2+ on Ilum, the reward for which is 3 Daily Commendations, and Enhancement 22 and ~16K credits.
    • There are 8 solo daily quests on Belsavis, each awarding 1 Daily Commendation and 7175 credits. Doing them all takes 45-60 minutes.
    • There is a heroic 2+ and two heroic 4s on Belsavis, which each award 3 Daily Commendations, a Mod 22 and ~16K credits.
    • The two Mission Support Vendors on Ilum will sell you:
      • Armoring 23, Barrell 23 and Hilt 23 mods for 8 Daily Commendations each
      • Rakata earpieces and implants for 120 Daily Commendations each
    • The level 50 gear comes in three tiers:
      • Tionese/Xenotech/Energized (rating 126)
      • Columi/Exotech (rating 136)
      • Rakata (rating 140)
    • Each class has a Tioese, Columi and Rakata vendor in the Supplies quadran of the fleet.
    • There is a daily quest to complete one hard mode Flashpoint.
    • The weekly quests include:
      • Complete all four level 50 Flashpoints on normal (Directive 7, The Battle of Ilum, The False Emperor, Kaon Under Siege)
      • Complete any three hard mode Flashpoints
    • The following hard mode Flashpoints are available:
      • The Esseles
      • Taral V
      • Maelstrom Prison
      • Directive 7
      • The Battle of Ilum
      • The False Emperor
      • Kaon Under Siege
7. Outro

Thanks to Oni (@Freakin_Ninja) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 14

Teo and Chill are joined by our guildmate Agi to discuss our experience doing hard mode Flashpoints. We also go over the latest news, including the announcement of the Asia Pacific launch and last week’s community Q&A.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question
  • This week’s challenge: In SWTOR’s character selection screen, what are the two factors that go into determining the order your characters appear?
  • If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com
4. The Holofeed
5. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @CarlosAlejandre, @toliman (Joli), @wellerj1 (James Weller), @JDistheWP (JD), @grimrok (Grim), @Rrubb, @CG5wan (Nick Swanson) and @bytorsnowdog (Snowy).
  • Kym (Zigarot from “The Australians” guid on the Empress Teta server) emailed us about the extremely informative email being sent to new players when they reach level 10, such as this one.
  • JD pointed us towards a superb guide from RepublicTrooper.com listing all the datacrons, their locations, and videos for how to retrieve them.
6. The Sarlacc Digest
  • We discuss Snowy’s email, in which he recounts his journey to level 50 on his Jedi Sage.
  • This week we also finally had enough level 50s from the guild in the same place at the same time to allow us to attempt some hard mode Flashpoints. We discuss our experiences doing The Esseles and The False Emperor.
7. Outro

Thanks to Agi (@Agitarsi) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 13

Returning guests Oni and Cypher join your hosts Teo and Chill to talk about the aftermath of patch 1.1.2, and to discuss how to make your companions love you to boost their productivity!

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question
  • This week’s challenge: Standing near the western entrance to the cantina in Anchorhead on Tattooine, you look across the street and see a yellow datacron on the opposite roof. No stairs present themselves to get up there, and you decide to find out how to get it. The question is: where do you start?
  • If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com
4. The Holofeed
  • Patch 1.1.2 was deployed during Tuesday’s maintenance, with two major issues subsequently emerging:
  • Patch 1.1.3 is on the PTS, and is planned to be deployed during the next maintenance on Tuesday.
  • Reverse engineering appears to be not working as intended, with the chance of discovering a blue or purple schematic appearing to be lower than they wanted. Until this is fixed, it’s probably best not to try, and save your mats!
  • BioWare have released the first in a series of “Begin Your Journey” videos, intended for newcomers to MMOs, to help them get started in SWTOR.
5. Force Feedback
6. The Sarlacc Digest
7. Outro

Thanks to Cypher (@Cypher_x) and Oni (@Freakin_Ninja) for joining us this week. You can find out more about Cypher’s show on its website, and follow them on Twitter via @TheAddictedCast.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 12

Teo and Chill are joined by Hyp and Cypher, his co-host from The Addicted, to discuss a bumper week of SWTOR news, including various patches, the upcoming patch 1.1.2, the announcement of the guild summit, and the EA earnings call.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question
  • This week’s challenge: What in SWTOR was “Forged from solid gold and sculpted by no less than eighty-three artisans?”
  • If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com
4. The Holofeed
  • Patch 1.1.0c was deployed with little notice on Friday to fix an issue with player disconnections on the character selection screen.
  • Patch 1.1.1, which had been on the PTS for a couple of weeks, was deployed during Tuesday’s regular maintenance.
  • Stephen Reid explains why the forums go read-only during maintenance.
  • Patch 1.1.1a was deployed on Thursday morning to fix a “hitching/freezing” issue that some players were experiencing since patch 1.1.1 went live.
  • The issue where winning a warzone may not count towards the victories required for the PvP daily or weekly quests was not actually fixed as had been initially reported, but a fix has subsequently been identified though still needs to be tested before going live.
  • Patch 1.1.2 is now on the PTS.
  • Georg Zoeller explains why further nerfs have been made to Biochem in patch 1.1.2, and elaborates on their strategy for making all the crew skills viable and attractive for those doing endgame content.
  • The TOR-Talk podcast interviews Stephen Reid about how things are going and what’s coming up in the future.
  • The DualShockers gaming site has published an interview with Cory Butler asking a wide range of questions, including whether Georg Lucas has tried SWTOR.
  • BioWare announced a guild summit, to be held in Austin on 4-6 March 2012.
  • Electronic Arts had their quarterly earnings call, which was covered by DarthHater. Key points include over 2 million in SWTOR sales, and currently 1.7 million active subscribers.
5. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @grimrok, @zachpsx, @CG5wan, @sterlinglee38, @Continuumm_PoH, @Paulk2225, @Vallant1985 and @Ahigabg.
  • ShotgunBurger (@Paulk2225) let us know about TORHead’s data-mined leaked information, which supposedly reveals details about upcoming patches 1.2 through 1.5. These are spoilers, and could very well be inaccurate!
  • @Zigarot provides a link to a 1-50 leveling map/flowchart, showing level-appropriate planets and Flashpoints for both the Republic and Empire sides.
6. The Sarlacc Digest
  • Chill goes over his analysis of whether post-nerf slicing is actually profitable, using the data he accumulated when power-leveling it after dropping Armstech.
7. Outro

Thanks to Cypher (@Cypher_x) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week. You can find out more about their show on their website, and follow them on Twitter via @TheAddictedCast.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 11

Teo and Chill are once again joined by Oni and Hyp to complete our coverage of the space game, going into detail about the various missions. We also discuss the news, including the recently deployed patch 1.1.0b and the upcoming patch 1.1.1.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question
  • This week’s challenge: When someone speaks like Grand Moff Tarkin in real life, we say they have a British accent. When someone speaks like that in SWTOR, what is that same accent called?
  • If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com
4. The Holofeed
  • Patch 1.1.0b was deployed during the regular Tuesday maintenance this week.
  • Patch 1.1.1 was announced and is currently available on the PTS for testing.
  • Georg Zeoller talks about the various fixes planned for the ability delay issue; also, a couple of follow-up posts: 1, 2.
  • Total Biscuit’s interview with Gabe Amatangelo on YouTube.
  • Georg reminds us that an item’s mods can be changed by ctrl-right-clicking on the item, and hints that the now redundant workbenches may have a new purpose in the future.
  • Stephen Reid tweets that the “green ray” graphical issue is being looked at (but no fix yet), SWTOR now has a suggestion forum, tells us there are no current plans for a Mac (OS X) client, lets us know we’ll be getting /roll, and that we’ll soon be able to attach both a mobile and physical security key to the same account.
5. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @Burritobread, @sterlinglee38, @Paulk2225, @Rippthedeceiver, @DarthGally, @Grizzlebeee, @DarthBaelok and @CarlosAlejandre.
  • Ripp’s suggested forum post to fix post-patch 1.1 lag issues.
  • Paul recommends SWTOR Things summary of vanity pets for those, like @Nethwench, who love their pets.
6. The Sarlacc Digest
  • In the second instalment of our two-part discussion about the space game, we go into detail about each of the missions, describing its scenario and some handy tips and tricks that we’ve picked up along the way.
7. Outro

Thanks to Oni (@Freakin_Ninja) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 10

Returning guests Oni and Hyp join Chill and Teo to discuss the aftermath of Game Update 1.1’s deployment, especially the initial issues with Ilum’s open world PvP. We also discuss the space game, covering the basics of ship upgrades and piloting.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question
  • This week’s challenge: You go to Tatooine’s Dune Sea. you head west to the Republic’s Outpost Thorazan. Heading southwest from there, you come across some Jawa bodies surrounding an animal skull. The skull is clickable and you click it. The question is: what happens next?
  • If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com
4. The Holofeed
5. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @Paulk2225, @altwowEU (Leralond), @toliman (Joli), @Freakin_Ninja (Oni), @DarthGally, @JameyTyler, @CarlosAlejandre, @Rippthedeceiver, @Burritobread, @thehatfield, @bytorsnowdog (Snowy) and @sterlinglee38.
  • Our guildmate Magneto recommends the site SWTOR Human Relations, which has plenty of guides and other useful information.
  • The list of companions and their details provided by SWTOR Face is recommended by Rub.
  • We go over emails from Dan Scholes, John Barlak and Snowy.
  • Below is the picture of the Lego Super Star Destroyer that John took last week, in the window of a local toystore:

6. The Sarlacc Digest
7. Outro

Thanks to Oni (@Freakin_Ninja) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 9

Chill and Teo are joined by Neth and Rub to discuss the latest news, go over the feedback from the slicing debate held in our previous episode, and then to talk about what one does at level 50.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question
  • This week’s challenge: A ship says something about the person who owns it. What are the names of these three ships: 1) Boba Fett’s ship, 2) Darth Vader’s Super Star Destroyer, 3) Lando Calrissian’s pleasure yacht. The last is the hardest, but does appear multiple times in the expanded universe of Star Wars. If you can’t come up with the Lando Calrissian one, we will accept a humorous answer instead.
  • If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com
4. The Holofeed
  • Patch 1.0.2d went live during this week’s maintenance which was delayed until Thursday
  • Game Update 1.1 “Rise of the Rakghouls” will go live this coming Tuesday 17 January. You can find all the details in the patch notes (original post and a subsequent post with additional changes).
  • Game Update 1.1 will include a new level 50 flashpoint, “Kaon under Siege”. You can see its trailer on the SWTOR site or YouTube.
  • Stephen Reid explains why only low and medium resolution textures are available during normal gameplay, with the high resolution textures only being used in cut-scenes.
  • It turns out that the final mission in the Jedi Knight’s class story really was too hard to solo, and BioWare is going to fix it.
  • Georg Zoeller confirms that the cover mechanic is indeed meant to prevent Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors from leaping on them.
  • BioWare is going all the way with gear customisation, removing the limitations on the modability of operation-level gear, and allowing the stats to be pulled from that gear (including set bonuses) to be used in your existing orange items.
  • Damion Schubert reveals that the equivalent of World of Warcraft’s Dungeon Finder is coming eventually, but at least for now the team is philosophically against ever making it cross-server.
5. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @toliman (Joli), @DasDec (Skove), @DarthBaelok, @CarlosAlejandre, @Continuumm_PoH and @cypher_x.
  • Thanks for the kind words from @MainGaming1, @DarthGally and @SumDuud.
  • We go over emails from Snowy, the Grey Gamer, Hrugaar, Kono of Keller’s Void and Grant Hennig (Agitarsi), who all comment on the slicing debate which featured our good friend, Oni.
  • Damion Schubert provides BioWare’s reasoning behind the slicing nerf.
6. The Sarlacc Digest
  • Chill has just reached level 50, and so we discuss just what there is to do once you get there. This mainly involves going over the daily missions that become available on Ilum and Belsavis. We also discuss open world PvP and its current state which is clearly not what BioWare intended. BioWare’s Gabe Amatangelo provides a view on how it ended up as it is, and how it’s being fixed in the imminent Game Update 1.1 in an interview with Massively.
  • A few extras:
    • The hanger doors on the main level in the Fleet lead down to the hangar deck, which is actually a big ring road—if you take the wrong door, you can ride around to your hangar without having to go back up.
    • Any lift in the Fleet can be used while mounted on your speeder (no need to dismount when moving between levels).
    • While there are no Quesh commendation vendors on the Fleet, they can be found on Quesh itself, close to the shuttle debarkation point on the planet’s surface.
    • There’s a little padlock icon to the right of the player portrait which can be used to lock and unlock your ability bars.
    • If you are using Windows 7 and use Ventrilo, be sure to run your Ventrilo client as the Adminstrator to ensure your push-to-talk button still works while playing SWTOR.
7. Outro

Thanks to Neth (@Nethwench) and Rub (@Rrubb) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.


OotiniCast Episode 8

Our guests this week are Neth and Oni, joining your hosts Chill and Teo to discuss the latest news, go in-depth on crew skills, and finally engage in a lively debate on the slicing nerf.

1. Introduction
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question
  • This week’s challenge: The phrase ‘Blue Harvest’ doesn’t appear in the Star Wars movies, yet that is what Family Guy called their first Star Wars hour-long parody show. Why is ‘Blue Harvest’ an appropriate Star Wars parody name?
  • If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com
4. The Holofeed
  • Patch 1.0.2 went live during this week’s maintenance on Wednesday; it was followed by further patches over the subsequent days to fix further bugs and exploits
  • BioWare posts that the elusive bug that prevents some players from seeing guild/party chat has had a fix identified, and will be patched very shortly
  • James Ohlen talks about BioWare’s process for priortising how fast bugs are fixed, and when those fixes are deployed
  • Patch 1.1 is now available on the PTS, and includes a new Flashpoint (Kaon Under Siege), four new bosses for the operation Karagga’s Palace, and much more!
  • A native OS X version of the SWTOR client may be coming (sooner or later) for Macs, according to the BioWare doctors
  • Stephen Reid talks about recent bans for credit farming and people identified as exploiting the game
  • BioWare quashes a fake post that said they were banned for dancing outside of special “Dance Zones”
5. Force Feedback
  • We discuss tweets from @sterlinglee38, @AndrewBruhl, @delonbellmont, @Buggerwow, @altwowEU, @Draezoth, @CarlosAlejandre.
  • We express our appreciation for Ben CC’s comment about episode 7.
  • Snowy emails us, and subsequently discusses his first successful foray into PvP healing.
  • Mursie (Jedi Shadow on the Belgoth’s Beacon server) tells us about a datacron available on each faction’s fleet that provides a +10 to all stats (currently bugged for the Republic, apparently).
6. The Sarlacc Digest


  • Diplomacy
    • Medical Supplies, light/dark side points, companion gifts
  • Investigation
    • Researched Compounds, prototype schematics, companion gifts
  • Treasure Hunting
    • Gemstones, lockboxes, companion gifts
  • Underworld Trading
    • Underworld Metal, Luxury Fabric, companion gifts


  • Bioanalysis
    • Biochemical Sample, Biochemical Compound
  • Scavenging
    • Scavenged Compounds, Scavenged Metals
  • Archaeology
    • Power Crystal, Artifact Fragment, Color Crystal
  • Slicing
    • lockboxes, Cybertech schematics, mission discovery objects
    • augments


  • Synthweaving
    • uses Power Crystal, Artifact Fragment [Archaeology]
    • uses Underworld Metal, Luxury Fabric [Underworld Trading]
    • feet, legs, waist, chest, wrists, head for Jedi Knights and Jedi Consulars, Sith Warriors and Sith Inquisitors
  • Armormech
    • uses Power Crystal, Artifact Fragment [Archaeology]
    • uses Underworld Metal [Underworld Trading]
    • feet, legs, waist, chest, wrists, head for Smugglers and Troopers, Imperial Agents and Bounty Hunters
  • Armstech
    • uses Scavenged Compounds, Scavenged Metals [Scavenging]
    • uses Researched Compounds [Investigation]
    • mods (Barrel)
    • weapons (Assault Cannon, Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Techstaff, Techblade, Electrostaff, Vibroknife, Scattergun)
  • Artifice
    • uses Power Crystal, Artifact Fragment, Color Crystal [Archaeology]
    • uses Gemstones [Treasure Hunting]
    • mods (Color Crystal, Hilt, Enhancement)
    • offhand (Shield Generator, Focus)
    • weapons (Lightsaber)
    • relics
  • Cybertech
    • uses Scavenged Compounds, Scavenged Metals [Scavenging]
    • uses Underworld Metal [Underworld Trading]
    • mods (Armoring, Mod)
    • droid equipment (Sensor, Parts, Motor, Core)
    • ear
    • grenades, bombs
    • ship equipment (Armor Plating, Beam Generator, Shield Generator, Shield Booster, Missile Launcher, Capacitor)
    • Portable Transport Beacon
    • speeder
  • Biochem
    • uses Biochemical Sample, Biochemical Compound [Bioanalysis]
    • uses Medical Supplies [Diplomacy]
    • stims (long-term stat boost)
    • adrenal (short-term stat boost)
    • medpacs
    • implants
7. Outro

Skove, a regular guest on the show, tweets on behalf of his guild via @ItsATrapTOR. His post “Warzone Commendations and how to spend them” is well worth reading if you’re doing PvP!

Thanks to Neth (@Nethwench) and Oni (@Freakin_Ninja) for joining us this week.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.
