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Chill and Teo are joined by Hyp and Agi to discuss Game Update 1.2 which, while certainly fantastic, has had its accompanying trials and tribulations.
1. Introduction
Teo’s initial foray into UI redesign. Note that he’s got his ship droid with him because the rest of his companions are on slicing missions!
2. Question to the panel
3. Trivia question
This week’s challenge: Tatooine is rightly a famous planet, not because of its location, which is always described as backwater and off the main space lanes. It is famous because it is the homeworld of Anakin and Luke Skywalker. It appears in most of the six Star Wars movies. However, it is never seen in one movie, and never named in one movie. Which one or two movies?
If you are interested in being entered in the random drawing for an in-game prize offered on Republic-side Space Slug, please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com.
4. The Holofeed
- Game Update 1.2 – Legacy (patch 1.2.0) was deployed on Thursday night, requiring 8 hours of downtime.
- It had actually been accidentally made available for download in a 15 minute window the day before; anyone who tried to login during that time had their game installation corrupted, requiring a full reinstall. All those affected will be granted 3 free days of gametime.
- It was followed by patch 1.2.0a on Friday night, needing another 4 hours of downtime.
- Unfortunately, this didn’t go so well: many things had reverted to their pre-1.2 state. The servers were then taken down an hour or so later for repairs, coming back up 6.5 hours later. As compensation, all players will get a free day of gametime.
- BioWare announces that to celebrate the release of Game Update 1.2, everyone will get a Tauntaun Ram. In addition, anyone with at least one level 50 and/or have achieved legacy level 6 will get a month of free game time, and anyone who has cancelled their subscription can come back for 7 days for free!
- We discuss the community Q&A published on 6 April.
- FORCE Junkies provides a most helpful pair of infographics to interpret the somewhat obscure icons used to identify the various classes and ACs.
- Hyp refers us to the Kickstarter project Plastic Galaxy: A Documentary About Star Wars Toys.
5. Force Feedback
- We discuss tweets from @Rrubb (Rub), @weihanthekidsun (Weihan Sun), @Praemorior (Henri Huittinen), @bytorsnowdog (Snowy), @thehatfield (Hatfield), @Rippthedeceiver (Ripp), @sterlinglee38 (Sterling), @wingthequick (Wingy), @PaulDemars (Paul Demars) and @Lexx_Sylveste (Sylv).
- Here’s the Rebel Bass (sic) that Hatfield found:
- BenC tells us that cybertech is extremely viable at the moment, particularly when selling earpieces with and without an augment slot. He’s making some serious credits!
- Jedidiah refers us to Ask Mr Robot’s database of items to help sort out what’s new in Game Update 1.2.
- We discuss Eric’s idea for providing some community-driven direction for players to help fill out currently under-populated servers.
6. Outro
Thanks to Agi (@Agitarsi) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.
You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! Subscribe to us on iTunes, and watch for us in your Bind on Equip feed.
Thanks for listening. We hope you continue to enjoy your time in Star Wars: The Old Republic!