Kuze’s Korner Datacron Guide: Nar Shaddaa

Kuze’s Nar Shaddaa’s Datacrons video describes how to get the following datacrons:

Republic +3 Aim

The starting location (marker is orange) and the datacron itself (marker is green) are located in the Nikto Sector.

Empire +3 Aim

The starting location (marker is orange) and the datacron itself (marker is green) are located in the Corellian Sector.

Republic +3 Presence

The starting location (marker is orange) is in the Red Light Sector, Gauntlet Gang Area. The datacron itself is located in Red Light Sector – Catwalks (marker is green).

Empire +3 Presence

The starting location (marker is orange) is in the Duros Sector – Slums. The datacron itself is located in the Duros Sector – Residential Catwalks (marker is green).

Republic +3 Strength

The starting location (marker is orange) is in the Shadow Town. The datacron itself is located in Shadow Town – Access Tunnels (marker is green).

Empire +3 Strength

The starting location (marker is orange) is in the Network Access. The datacron itself is located in Network Access – Taxi Maintenance (marker is green).

Shared +3 Cunning

The starting location (marker is orange) is in the High Security Lockdown. The datacron itself is located in the Incinerator Room (marker is green).

Shared Yellow Matrix Shard

The starting location (marker is orange) is in the Network Security District. The datacron itself is located in the Network Security District – Maintenance Terrace (marker is green).


OotiniCast Episode 96

The news this week is dominated by the class representative responses for Sorcerers and Vanguards, and the subsequent fallout. We also discuss the results from a SWTOR player survey, giving our own responses as we go.

1. Introduction

Baldy on Makeb

Baldy on Makeb

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Pevarmel!

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win a Tawnfaun code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.

We are still looking for segment names! Feel free to add your own ideas to our forums threads for what is currently known as the Tip of the week and Community Corner.

3. Holofeed

  • The Emergency Medical Table, that is shown in the Collections UI to be a super rare item from both the Contractor’s and Freelancer’s Bounty Packs, is not in either pack.
  • Game Update 2.4: The Dread War is now described on the official site. They’ve also added an interview with Baron Deathmark, in which he reveals the origin of warzone arenas!
  • The PTS has continued to be updated, and now includes the planet Oricon, shown by this video by Gaddock Teeg of the Unnamed SWTOR Podcast. The new reputations coming with the daily area on Oricon are The Dread Executioners (Empire) and Strike Team Oricon (Republic), with the same gear offered to both factions (overviewed by Dulfy).
  • The most recent Community Cantina was held in Cologne, Germany to coincide with Gamescom. Dulfy’s coverage has all the images available that were provided on the thumbdrive to attendees, along with a summary of the Q&A. The event was attended by our guildmate Jim (@tehknuck), who (as promised) did come in-game afterwards, very happy from the experience (and also very drunk!). He was able to get a greeting from Eric Musco, Community Manager.
  • The issue with PvP queues getting stuck is back, though workarounds have been identified.
  • The Cartel Bazaar will be getting a cargo hold, hopefully in Game Update 2.3.3 (which should be around 17 September). Note that Amber’s response to the forum thread on this topic is priceless.
  • The second set of responses to class representative questions were provided for Sorcerers and Vanguards. The community reaction was “troubled” (to put it very, very mildly). After reiterating the purpose of the class representative program, it was acknowledged that some unfortunate timing meant that the concerns went unanswered for too long, and that they will be addressed. More care will also be taken in the tone of responses! Solutions to some of the Vanguard issues have already been provided.

4. Community

Kuze’s latest video showing how to get the datacrons on Nar Shaddaa is now available. You can find his other guides in Kuze’s Korner.

The Ootini Templars, led by Kal and Ham, do operations on Thursday and Friday night, Australia east coast time.

Ootini Templars

Ootini Templars

For those interested in joining Ootini Fight Club for some endgame PvP, please contact Chong by email (empiredivider@gmail.com).

Chong and Adam Schumpert are organising an arena team, which they’re calling the Green Lantern Corps!

Green Lantern Corps

Green Lantern Corps

Adam is an accomplished artist; you can see his portfolio on CG Hub. He has done an amazing job at reproducing the Green Lantern look in SWTOR:

SWTORGLantern Adam was also kind enough to create an original image for us, which may hopefully make its way onto OotiniCast merchandise. Ootini David (@KairiahMedens) recommended PARSEC, a new SWTOR combat log parser. We tried it, and can highly recommend it!

5. Force Feedback

We discuss tweets from @Swtorfamily (be sure to follow him back to join the #swtorfamily!), @bigfatpj (PJ), @GregCarter78, @AckaanTalgala (Akaan Darasuum), @FerrousTerran, @joseph_foran, @Casmas_, @GTeeg (Gaddock Teeg), @Tordenelgen, @masterbearjedi (Raz), @TheThoss, emails from Spero, Pliiskin and Drew, and a comment from The Malgadar.

In fixing his issue with texture atlasing, Drew set the following in Catalyst Control Center:

Anti Aliasing mode and Samples: Application Settings
Filter: Standard
Anti Aliasing Method: Multi Sampling
Morphological filtering: Off
Anisotropic Filtering Mode and Level: App settings
Texture filtering quality: Performance
Surface Format Optimization: On
Wait for Vertical Refresh: Always off
Open GL buffering: On
Tessellation: Everything set to App control

PJ’s Varactyl perched atop a crashed starship on Tatooine:

PJ on Tatooine If you having trouble with updating your client to work with the PTS, these forum posts (1, 2) may help. Both refer players to the PTS Patching Troubleshooting thread.

6. Sarlacc Digest

We discuss the SWTOR Player Survey, as summarised in this Reddit post. You can find the survey and see the latest data in detail here.

7. Outro

Thanks to Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! You can subscribe to us on iTunes and Zune, and listen to us on Stitcher and Radio4Gamers.


OotiniCast Episode 95

This week we talk about Game Update 2.3.1, the changes coming in Game Update 2.4: The Dread War (now on the PTS) and the community reactions to the removal of ranked 8v8 warzones.

1. Introduction

Hyp found the following proposed concept art for the upcoming episode 7: SW7 concept

2. Tip of the week

Thundermoose provided this screenshot showing where to stand in the Trooper starship such that you can preview lightsaber ignition sounds:

Preview lightsaber sound - Trooper

3. Holofeed

  • Game Update 2.3.0c was deployed late last week, to make the information retrieval from Shady Characters a little faster.
  • Game Update 2.3.1 was deployed on Wednesday morning, delayed from the usual Tuesday to ensure they got some bug fixes in. Serendipitously, this also meant there’d be no interruption to the final hours of Bounty Contract Week!
  • A somewhat specific yet nasty bug was introduced in Game Update 2.3.1, causing some event armour to acquire a new, unintended alignment requirement.
  • Game Update 2.4: The Dread War is on the PTS, featuring playable Warzone Arenas! Alex Modny also confirmed that the gas cloud won’t really be survivable by anyone, and that Warzone Arenas supported matches between teams from the same faction as well as the opposite faction.
  • There are some substantial changes for Powertechs/Vanguards included in Game Update 2.4, which players believe are a nerf to DPS output. SWTOR developer David Demaree indicated that changes were already incoming, and that at least one aspect of the apparent nerf was due to numbers obtained against a target dummy being misleading.
  • Players were given a chance to face off against a team of four BioWare (including Community Manager Eric Musco) developers in Warzone Arenas over a couple of hours on the PTS. A follow-up post afterwards indicated that the BioWare guys may not have had resounding success.

4. Community

@Ben_b55 has written up his thoughts on the removal of ranked 8v8 warzones in his article Warzone Arenas of Death: New Life to Ranked Play or Final Nail in the Coffin?

The @SWTORTracker Twitter feed, created by Dan O’Brien (@DsanOB) now has over 200 followers. Follow it to see SWTOR dev posts (almost) as they happen!

OotiniCast now has its own forums, where our Australian Republic-side ops group, Ham and Kal’s Ootini Templars, are still looking for more members!

For Empire-side players on The Bastion, our old friend Izaak recommends his guild, Descension. They have four scheduled ops runs per week, full hardmode clears, do pick-up runs almost nightly, and are setting up teams for Game Update 2.4.

For those interested in joining Ootini Fight Club for some endgame PvP, please contact Chong by email (empiredivider@gmail.com).

5. Force Feedback

We discuss tweets from @Swtorfamily (be sure to follow him back to join the #swtorfamily!), @Geldarion, @JediKrackr, @KairiahMedens, @rbleamon, @Eskatun, @Seth_Eldarg, @GregCarter78, @nicknightmoves, @masterbearjedi, @BenAKenobi, @IzaakTheMad, @tehknuck and @HamSammich509, emails from Raymond Wilson, Hash, Graham Sellars, and comments from Oxi-jin and DroidDreamer. @JediKrackr, inspired by @rbleamon, proposed the following OotiniCast merchandise:

Teo's tea mug

Teo’s tea mug

Raymond Wilson has uncovered yet more proof that Hyp’s long sought after day/night cycles are viable:

SWTOR at night Graham Sellars has created this most amazing (and enormous) wall poster:

Graham Sellars SWTOR poster

6. Outro

Thanks to Redna (@R3DN4) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! You can subscribe to us on iTunes and Zune, and listen to us on Stitcher and Radio4Gamers.


Warzone Arenas of Death: New Life to Ranked Play or Final Nail in the Coffin?

(Editor’s note: This guest post is by @ben_b55, a proud member of the guild Despair on The Harbinger.)

“Giradda the Hutt welcomes you to Warzone Arenas of Death” and decides that 8v8 ranked warzones are too difficult to make work. Before I proceed further I just want to say that I am not a PvPer. I would say that on average 80% of my time is spent on PvE content. However, that does not mean I dislike or look down on PvP. My first reaction upon reading that 8v8 ranked warzones were going away was one of joy. Unfortunately on my main server, The Harbinger, there is currently a serious faction imbalance with regard to organized PvP-centric guilds. That isn’t to say there is a lack of competent PvPers, but when premade groups come out into the world of non-ranked warzones, it can be a painful experience. It has been this way on the Imperial side for some time, though prior to server transfers being instituted there were at least several Empire PvP guilds present. Most have since moved to PvP servers (like The Bastion) in order to experience a more balanced and competitive (although many would say largely Empire-dominated) environment in which to play.

With this change I felt that it would provide a better environment for casual PvPers, as well as the more hardcore PvPers who haven’t had the easiest time finding a dedicated group to run with. I soon realized, after discussing the topic with several other players, that perhaps my first reaction may have been a bit shortsighted. For one thing, as was brought up previously, there were several 8-person teams, as well as whole PvP guilds, who paid for server transfers so that they could enjoy the opportunity to remain active in 8v8 ranked combat. With server transfers costing just over $16 per character, that is a large amount of money spent. In general, many of the players who chose to move characters over to these other servers ended up moving more than one. A day after the initial release of this new information, there are already several forum threads related to this decision. One titled “Petition Please don’t remove ranked 8vs8!” already has 37 pages of replies alone.

Makeb arena

Makeb arena

Some have come to a different conclusion on this issue. They feel that the idea of 8v8 ranked warzones are in fact not really PvP. They feel it is merely about stalling enemy players, exploiting bugs and is rarely about trying to actually take enemy players down. While there is some truth to these statements, it doesn’t mean that objective-based PvP in a ranked environment isn’t worthy to continue existing.

All this said, the fact of the matter is that 8v8 ranked warzones, for the time being at least, are effectively dead. Let’s move on to what the future holds: 4v4 ranked arenas. Within this format there are two separate options: 1) queue individually or, 2) queue as a group of 4. The success or failure of these ranked arenas is really balanced on one thing: will the player ranking system actually work as intended? The idea for individual queues is that each role will have a mirrored role on the opposite team with a ranking that is at least comparably close. An important factor to consider is that roles are not determined by selecting a specific role that you intend to fill, as is the case in the Group Finder queue.

Tatooine arena

Tatooine arena

What does this mean? We also know that as soon as a player queues for any type of PvP content, be it warzones or arenas, they will no longer be able to reset and reallocate their skill points until they leave the queue or leave a warzone or arena. This mechanism doesn’t factor in the presence of hybrid builds. If a player chooses to put an equal number of skill points in two separate skill trees, be it tanking and DPS, or DPS and healing, the player will automatically be queued in the role of a DPS. This has the possibility to drastically affect how well the ranking system is able to set up matches that are truly competitive. Yes, most players tend to stick predominantly to one skill tree, but it feels as if it would be important to try and place players with similar skill point distributions against each other as well. If players continue to succeed by using methods such as these I would hope that the ranking system would work as intended, and after a period of time begin placing these competitors against players of the proper ranking. This isn’t inherently a big issue, just something that could potentially cause individual ranked warzones to take more time to find their footing than initially predicted.

The second option is for premade groups of four to queue for ranked arenas. In this environment, what builds specific players have do not matter; it’s the overall group rating that determines who are chosen as their opponents. Overall it seems this will have the fewest problems to work out, especially as this will be where the majority of 8-person teams will end up, having divided their teams into two effective units (although with the assortment of group make-ups currently out there, this will likely be a more difficult and painful process to work through).

As of right now we have no idea if these groups will differ from the current format. Will each group be formed into a specific team with a team name? Or will it stay (as it currently is) with no team name and the ability to change out team members on a whim between matches. As of now I feel that it will remain the latter.

Space Garage arena

Space Garage arena

One feature we have not yet heard about that could change this would be the introduction of leaderboards. In most games, leaderboards are the lifeblood of sustained ranked PvP. Currently the only way that players of SWTOR have found to create anything close to a leaderboard is by submitting combat logs to sites to wag their epeen around. Clearly this is far from what is needed to determine who is “the best there is and the best there’ll ever be.” If this feature isn’t properly integrated, it will not matter if it is pre-season or season one.

The last topic I will discuss is that of rewards for ranked warzones. Firstly I will include a few quotes from players:

“Ranked should be about winning, I see no reason why you should reward losses in any way shape or form.” – Gaddock Teeg – Host of the Unnamed SWTOR Podcast (@GTeeg)

“The incentive is winning, and learning to work together better.” – R3DN4 – OotiniCast (@R3DN4)

“Ranked PvP gives an incentive similar to PvE progression. It creates a way to gauge ability and creates an objective…Ranked PVP is about pride. Not gear.” – DurtaDurta (@DurtaDurta)

“Ranked PvP is a form of horizontal progression. Gear and power isn’t the impetus, but pride is.” – Geldarion – Official SWTOR Forums Gunslinger Class Representative (@Geldarion)

While I agree with the sentiments expressed above, I do feel that rewards for engaging in content that is of a higher tier than what the average player participates in deserves specific rewards. For going into hardmode and nightmare mode Operations, higher tiers of gear with set bonuses are given for successful completion of encounters. In contrast, organized groups of PvPers can easily decimate random groups and get the same rewards that they would get for running ranked at about the same rate, if not faster.

The problem is the ability players have to convert Warzone Commendations into Ranked Warzone Commendations. One of two things needs to happen if this is to change and actually encourage ranked play: either the conversion rate needs to be increased to something like 100 Warzone Commendations for 10 Ranked Warzone Commendations, or the ability to receive Ranked Warzone Commendations needs to be exclusively from competing in ranked play, removing the ability to convert the commendations altogether. In this way the best PvP gear would only be attainable by participating in the higher difficulty content. There could also be added daily and weekly missions pertaining specifically to ranked warzone arenas, but unlike the normal PvP dailies only wins would count toward the completion of those missions.

There is a good amount of time left until Game Update 2.4 is released. Changes may still be implemented between now and the official release date. Hopefully Bioware takes these concerns and suggestions seriously. How it’s implemented could be the deciding factor for the decision of many PvP players regarding whether to stay or leave SWTOR. Hopefully the Warzone Arenas of Death bring life back to ranked PvP!


OotiniCast Episode 94

We discuss the latest news, including Alex Modny’s blog post about warzone arenas in Game Update 2.4. In our discussion, Ham presents his guide for making the most credits from your monthly stipend of Cartel Coins.

1. Introduction

2. Trivia question

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Christopher P!

3. Holofeed

  • On Thursday, Game Update 2.3.0a was deployed to fix an issue where credit towards the CZ-198 weekly was not being given for the two new CZ-198 Flashpoints.
  • Game Update 2.3.0b, a client-side only patch that required no server downtime, was deployed on Friday.
  • A marathon 12-hour maintenance was scheduled for Tuesday as part of merging the APAC servers with those on the US west coast, though the servers were back up after only 5 hours! According to Amber Green, the “merges were super smooth”, due to “folks who took great care and everything went really well. Better than planned, you might say.”
  • Bounty Contract Week started sometime early Wednesday morning (US time). Please see Hru’s guide for all you could possibly want to know about the event!
  • You can now connect your SWTOR account to Facebook using the new Facebook Connect service. This appears to allow you to (a) send referral invitations to your Facebook friends and (b) spam your friends with notifications of your various achievements while playing the game:
    • start to play
    • create a character
    • level up (though it’s only every 5 levels)
    • create a guild
    • join a guild
    • guild rank promotion
  • Ben Cloward, a Senior Technical Artist working on SWTOR, authored a blog post with some details about the palette upgrade introduced in Game Update 2.3.
  • The class representative initiative has borne its first fruit, with answers being provided for the three questions posed on behalf of Snipers and Sentinels.
  • Alex Modny’s much anticipated blog post describing how warzone arenas would work in Game Update 2.4 has finally been published. He then answered many, many player questions in the associated forum thread.

4. Community

Kuze intends to have his Nar Shaddaa datacron guide available this week! You can find his existing guides in Kuze’s Korner. He also provided the following screenshots for us to ponder:

Companion story bug

Companion story bug


I found where God got lazy

I found where God got lazy

On the edge of the world

On the edge of the world

PvP come and get me

PvP come and get me

Fastest ranked match ever

Fastest ranked match ever

Teo and Mosq

Teo and Mosq

For those interested in joining Ootini Fight Club for some endgame PvP, please contact Chong by email (empiredivider@gmail.com).

5. Force Feedback

We discuss tweets from @Swtorfamily (be sure to follow him back to join the #swtorfamily!), @K0h4ku (Amber Green), @DsanOB, @Casmas_, @Jacerish, @ForceChuckle, @ThePummeler, @ben_b55, @FerrousTerran, @JediKrackr, @terencemyers, @GregCarter78, @AckaanTalgala (Akaan Darasuum), @traviscread, @nicknightmoves, @BillLentz, @weihanthekidsun and @Jayconnell, emails from AmonRe, Green Armadillo (of the Player Versus Developer blog) and Eric, and comments from Tim and Dan.

Madmar’s proof that day/night cycles could work in SWTOR:

night can work

Ham provided the following links to help Eric with his Seeker Droid woes:

@ThePummeler provided the following proof of the tank with 50K health:

50K tank

AmonRe provided the video of their all-trooper run on Karagga’s Palace.

6. Sarlacc Digest

Ham’s guide to making a million out of 600 CCs

After spending loads of real life money (and I mean loads!), I decided to take a more tactical approach to how I spend my monthly stipend. Before we begin it’s worth noting that when you’re buying and selling on the GTN, time is of the essence. This is why I will be writing in to the podcast once bi-weekly to let all our listeners and guildmates know what the hot item is to sell with your monthly stipend.

The chart below is based on a 600 CC value: everything you see on it will cost 600 CC or less. Items on sale will not be listed, as they will be changing without notice. If you see something is not mentioned, it is because it was either more than 600 CC, or I could not find an accurate price for the item.


  • + Profit Made
  • * Massive Money Maker
  • – Negative/Equal Value Unless Time Permits
  • ? Not Found
Value Title Cartel Market Cost GTN Cost
Supreme Mogul’s Pack 320CC 195-210K
Archon’s Contraband Pack 320CC 190-210K
Vice Commandant’s Pack 320CC 190-210K
Enforcer’s Contraband Pack 320CC 289-300K
+ Regulator’s Contraband Pack 160CC 212-230K
+ Appearance Options: Human Hairstyle’s 1 240CC 350-380K
+ Appearance Options: Human Hair Colors 1 180CC 270-300K
* Appearance Options: White Eyes 100CC 150-175K
Treek Customization Bundle 300CC 245-270K
* Appearance Options: Mirialan tattoos 1 90CC 220-240K
+ Appearance Options: Chiss Customization 1 240CC 450K
Dye Module Kit 200CC 175-200K
? Ivory Horranth Pet 240CC ?
+ Carbonite Chamber 480CC 700K
Rancor Holo Replica 120CC 80K
Unlock Inventory Module 175CC 50K
Access Authorization: Section X 375CC 300K
Authorization Crew Member Appearance 325CC 79K
Additional Character Slot 600CC 107K
Authorization Event Equip Requisition 175CC 180K
? Additional Quick bar 200CC ?
Unlock: Guild Bank Access 600CC 333-350K
Unlock: Cargo Hold Access 475CC 210K
Unlock: Additional Cargo Bay 475CC 90K
Unlock: 10 GTN Sale Slots 100CC 54K
Unlock: Crew Skill Slot 420CC 63K
Improved Speeder 1 475CC 53K
Improved Speeder 2 225CC 138-150K
Improved Speeder 3 225CC 138-150K
Species Unlock: Cathar 600CC 450K
Species Unlock: Chiss 600CC 250K
? Species Unlock: Miraluka 600CC ?
Species Unlock: Mirialan 600CC 145K
Species Unlock: Rattataki 600CC 120K
? Species Unlock: Sith Pureblood 600CC ?
Species Unlock: Twi’lek 600CC 250K
Species Unlock: Zabrak 600CC 85K
Unlock: Unify Colors 210CC 69K
Customization Control: Legacy Name and Titles 50CC 31-50K
Display Character Titles 90CC 33-50K
Hide Head Slot 280CC 69K
Gamorrean Axe 225CC 168K
Credits Escrow: 600K 240CC 200K
Credits Escrow: 150K 80CC 110K
Credits Escrow: 50K 40CC 75K
5 Major Experience Boosts 360CC 70K per lot
1 Major Experience Boost 90CC 20K
1 Minor Experience Boost 60CC 45K
Fleet Pass 60CC 4.5K
Major Valor Boost 40CC 33k
? Medical Probes 400CC ?
Weekly Pass: Wz’s 240CC 90K
Weekly Pass: Flashpoints 240CC 90K
Weekly Pass: Space Missions 240CC 90K
Weekly Pass: Operation’s 240CC 194K
? Minor Valor Boost 30CC ?

If you haven’t figured out by looking at this list, you should notice that for any new SWTOR player there is a lot of good info in here as to what you should spend your beginning CCs on, or just save your credits for. The important thing to remember is that these numbers are in a constant flux, and it is worth taking a minute to do a quick search on the GTN to be sure what you plan on selling through the GTN is actually profitable.

7. Outro

Thanks to Redna (@R3DN4), Ham (@HamSammich509) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! You can subscribe to us on iTunes and Zune, and listen to us on Stitcher and Radio4Gamers.


Bounty Contract Week Guide

Bounty Contract missions (basic Henchman targets)

Getting the mission

First you collect your Bounty Contract mission from the Bounty Contract Terminal in the Cartel Bazaar area on Fleet. You can only complete one Henchman contract per character per day. Each faction has six planet missions to choose from (four shared, two faction-specific):

  • Ord Mantell/Hutta
  • Coruscant/Dromund Kaas
  • Nar Shaddaa
  • Tatooine
  • Alderaan
  • Voss

Each Bounty Contract has a minimum level requirement, depending on the target planet. Thus at level 15 (the minimum level for participating in the event) only the starter world and capital world contracts are available to you.

Note that your character does not need to have a personal starship to take part in the event: if you are level 15 and without a ship, you can use the Interfleet Transport shuttles to gain access to the first two contract planets for your faction.

Interrogating shady characters

Once you have picked up the Contract mission, travel to the chosen planet and speak with the Client who posted the bounty (a short cutscene conversation).

Next you have to interrogate Shady Character NPCs to gain five pieces of Underworld Information. The mechanic for this is similar to the Imperial quest in the Black Hole to scan for potential spies, i.e., you scan the NPC with an Investigation Probe (quest object, 15 second cooldown) which hits the NPC with a debuff that prevents anyone else from questioning them. The Shady Character will either volunteer information, refuse to talk, or turn hostile and summon three additional mobs of your character’s level to attack you. After this interaction, the NPC despawns and another NPC will respawn in its place a short while later.

If you have to fight the Shady Character and his/her associates, remember to loot the bodies afterward! There is a chance you will pick up a blue consumable item called ‘Underworld Information’. Right-click on that item in your inventory and it will count that investigation as successful, contributing toward the total of five successes that you need.

This investigation process is the most time-consuming stage of a Bounty Contract mission, and one where you will be in direct competition with other players to get to the required NPCs. At present on PTS it takes me on average 20 to 30 minutes to solo a Contract mission from start to finish (from pick-up to final turn-in), depending on how helpful the Shady Characters are and how much travel is involved, though I have completed a few in just over 15 minutes.  If grouped players are able to share their successful investigation results (which seems likely, but I don’t group so I haven’t tested it), one might reasonably expect a timeframe of 15-20 minutes for a group to complete a Contract mission.


There are two types of consumable item that you can use instead of the Investigation Probe to question a Shady Character NPC, to improve your chances of success. Be aware that using one type (Friendly Drink) awards Light Side points, and the other type (Interrogation Probe) awards Dark Side points. The consumables only improve your chance of success, they do not guarantee a successful result. You will receive one of each type of consumable as part of your quest reward on final turn-in of a Bounty Contract mission. More consumables can be purchased (at a cost of 800 credits each) from a BBA Mobile Supply Droid (Investigation Supplies vendor). One of these droids is located close to the Bounty Contract Terminal on Fleet, and you can usually find one in the same area as the bounty Client on each planet.

friendly drink and interrogation probe

Locating the target

Once you have gathered your five pieces of Underworld Information, the location of an ‘Underworld Contact’ appears on your UI WorldMap. This will point you to a clickable quest object, which you use to initiate a cutscene conversation with the Contact (determined randomly). This cutscene conversation usually includes Light Side/Dark Side options. The Underworld Contact will provide you with the identity and location of the target Henchman for the mission.

The target Henchman is determined randomly (see below). Unlike the Client, Shady Characters and Underworld Contact (who appear in the same place each time), the various Henchmen will be found in different locations on each planet. The quest marker points you to a beacon (clickable quest object) which you activate to summon your target Henchman. You can either kill the Henchman or capture them alive (a courtesy carbonite grenade is supplied as a mission item, but the target must be below 10% health before you can use it).

beacon to summon henchman

Collecting your reward

After dealing with the Henchman you return to the Client for another short cutscene conversation. You then return to Fleet and turn in the contract at the Bounty Delivery Station (right next to the Bounty Contract Terminal) to receive your final reward. To make life easier, after speaking with the Client you are provided with a ‘BBA Fleet Transport Authorisation’ (i.e., a one-time Fleet Pass, 10 minute cooldown) as a mission item.

Kingpin Bounties (Crime Lord targets)

Buy a Kingpin Contract Authorisation

You have to purchase Kingpin Contract Authorisations (i.e., unlocks) from the Bounty Contract Broker vendor who stands near to the Bounty Contract Terminal on Fleet.

Each Kingpin Contract Authorisation is a Bind-on-Pickup item and costs 5 ‘Completed Bounty Contract’ tokens. Those tokens are stackable Bind-on-Pickup items that are stored in your inventory bag. You receive one as part of your final quest reward each time that you complete a daily Contract mission.

There are six Kingpin Contract Authorisations available for each faction, one for each planet, and the unlock applies specifically to the named planet and only unlocks Kingpin contracts for the character who purchases and activates it. Thus, given that the tokens are BoP and can’t be mailed between characters, you have to do five daily Contract missions with the same character (at the rate of one per day) in order to buy one Kingpin unlock for one planet for that particular character. However, the tokens appear to be generic, so it doesn’t matter which planets you have completed the Contract missions on in order to acquire them.

Each Kingpin Contract Authorisation has a minimum level requirement, roughly commensurate with the target planet (e.g., Tatooine has a minimum level requirement of 23, Voss requires level 42).

Kingpin Bounty missions

Once you have unlocked Kingpin Contracts for a planet, you can pick up that daily ‘Kingpin Bounty’ mission from the Bounty Contract Terminal. As with the Henchman contracts, you can only complete one Kingpin Bounty per character per day. Kingpin Bounties are designated as ‘Group’ missions; at present (on PTS) they seem to be roughly on a par with a Heroic 2, so some players may be able to solo them.

Note that you cannot have both a Bounty Contract (Henchman) and a Kingpin Bounty (Crime Lord) for the same planet in your Mission Log at the same time. Once you have accepted one, the other is temporarily removed from the list on the Bounty Contract Terminal until you have either completed or abandoned the quest in your Log. It is still possible to do both quests on the same planet consecutively, picking up one after completing the other.

Finding the Kingpin

Once you have picked up the Kingpin mission, you travel to the planet and meet the Client who posted the bounty (a short cutscene conversation).

For Kingpin Bounty missions you do not need to question Shady Characters. Instead, you are given Bounty Seeker Probes (mission item, provided) which you release all in one go in a specified area. The probes fly away through the air, and you then have to find and scan five of them using macrobinoculars (mission item, provided) within the designated target area.

bounty seeker probes

Although you are not given specific viewing points to scan from, the target area is sufficiently small that if you stand near the centre and keep looking with your binos, with a little patience you should hopefully be able to pick up five probes without having to run around. The probes seem to move around a bit, or possibly new ones spawn in over time; so if you don’t pick up all five in your first 360 degree sweep, it’s worth doing at least one more full sweep before moving elsewhere. The two notable exceptions to this are Ord Mantell and Nar Shaddaa, where the target areas are larger and visibility is partly blocked in some directions, so you may well have to move to a second position to be able to find five probes.

Taking on the Crime Lord

Once you have scanned five Bounty Seeker Probes, you can proceed to lure out the target Crime Lord.  The Crime Lord is not random, but specific to the planet. The quest marker points you to a clickable quest object, which you activate to summon the Crime Lord.  Voss is an exception, where you actually have to use two clickable quest objects in succession to summon your target.

Again, you can either kill or capture the Crime Lord (using the carbonite grenade provided).

After dealing with the Crime Lord, you return to the Client for another short cutscene conversation.  You then return to Fleet (BBA Fleet pass provided) and turn in the contract at the Bounty Delivery Station for your final reward.


For characters level 15 to 51 (and presumably up to 54) Bounty Contracts for Henchmen targets award two Planetary Commendations on final turn-in, and Kingpin Bounties award three Planetary Commendations.

For level 55 characters, Bounty Contracts award two basic commendations and Kingpin Bounties award three basic commendations on final turn-in.

Reputation with the Bounty Brokers Association (BBA)

For Bounty Contracts for Henchmen, you receive a small reputation trophy (+270 rep) as an interim reward after you have spoken with your Underworld Contact. You also receive a medium trophy (+630 rep) on final turn-in of the mission.

It appears that the interim award of one small reputation trophy can only be gained once per character per day. Thus if you reset the Contract mission after receiving the interim award, or abandon that Contract and pick up another Contract mission (or indeed the same one) from the Bounty Contract Terminal, you will have to go through the investigation process all over again but you will not receive a second interim award that day for your efforts.

For Kingpin Bounties, you receive a medium trophy (+630 rep) on final turn-in.

There is a one-time ‘breadcrumb quest’ that awards a small reputation trophy (+270 rep).  To start the quest, just click on one of the floating carbonite cases (called ‘Captured Bounty’) on the Main Level of Fleet. These are located near the outer elevator exits, close to where the news holocasters appear for the Gree event.

The breadcrumb quests are worth doing to see the cutscene sequences (especially the Republic one), as well as for the rep. trophies.

elite tracker's bowcaster

Achievements (listed under Bounty Contract Week)

There are eight Crime Lords (one per planet) and eight Henchmen (randomly appearing across all the planets). For each of these sixteen targets there are three available Achievements:

  • capture the target alive  [5 prestige]
  • kill the target  [5 prestige]
  • collect the bounty for the target (dead or alive)  [5 prestige]

In addition, there are also some ‘General’ Achievements for Bounty Contract Week.  Note that in order to complete the first five of these you will have to have at least one eligible character (level 15+) on both factions.

  • captured all available bounties alive  [25 prestige + 20 cartel coins]
  • killed all available bounties  [25 prestige + 20 cartel coins]
  • both captured and killed all available bounty targets [100 prestige + 20 cartel coins + legacy title ‘Wanted: Dead or Alive’]
  • collected a bounty on every available Crime Lord  [25 prestige + 20 cartel coins]
  • unlocked all available Kingpin contracts [25 prestige + 20 cartel coins + legacy title ‘Death Mark in Seven Systems’]
  • met the Cartel Hangar Sniper  [10 prestige + legacy title ‘Cartel Security’]

Things to watch out for (possible spoilers)

Henchmen are elite (gold) mobs of your character’s level. During the fight they will summon a pair of adds. The adds aren’t that tough on health, but some of them do have really nasty knockback abilities. Be sure to deal with the adds quickly, or you could find your arse handed to you on a plate.

Crime Lords are champion (gold and silver star) mobs of your character’s level. Each Crime Lord has an individual combination of adds that will be summoned during the course of the fight. The adds can be regular, tough (silver) or elite (gold), and will usually arrive either singly or in pairs. These adds seem to be slightly tougher than average to kill, though that could just be from the perspective of having a champion Crime Lord bouncing on your head at the same time. As a general rule of thumb, if the first adds to arrive are a pair of regular mobs then you should expect to see a couple more waves of adds (not necessarily of the same type) arriving as the fight progresses.

The one exception to this is the Crime Lord who has non-combative adds. You’ll see what I mean when you encounter him. I applaud Bioware’s creativity.

Soon after picking up a Kingpin Bounty mission for the first time, you should receive an in-game mail from the target Crime Lord.  They’re aware you’re coming after them now, so this is fighting talk.

At present (on PTS) it seems that if you survive to kill/capture your target bounty successfully then your repair bill is negligible. If you are defeated, you end up paying the full whack for repairs as usual.

The BBA reputation vendors on Fleet (in the Cartel Bazaar) sell fully moddable bowcasters (slots empty) in a steampunk style.  These are bind-to-legacy, equipabble at level 10, requiring either sniper rifle or blaster rifle proficiency.  One of each type requires Newcomer status with BBA, and a second of each type requires Hero status.  Unfortunately the current prices on PTS are very high (250K credits for a Newcomer weapon, and 750K credits for a Hero one), we can only hope that they reduce the cost on live.

One of the Underworld Contacts is a male Twi’lek who offers a same-sex Flirt option (assuming your character is male) which is actually kind of fun, the way it plays out.

Henchman distribution

Given that Henchmen are scaled to your character’s level, it would seem logical (to me) that you could find any one of them on any of the destination planets. Whether some Henchmen are more likely to appear on certain planets than others, I don’t know; it’s impossible to tell at this early stage.

Thus far I have completed six Bounty Contracts on each of the eight planets. Given the vagaries of RNG systems, I do realise that such a small-scale sampling is more likely to be misleading than helpful; but I’ve listed below the data of which Henchmen appeared where for me, and how many times, FYI.

  • Hutta: T’rubba (3), Udo Ensh (1), Kar’wa (2)
  • Ord Mantell: T’rubba (1), D-3X (4), Kar’wa (1)
  • Coruscant: D-3X (1), Novane (1), Zinda Kent (2), Kar’wa (2)
  • Dromund Kaas: Novane (2), Zinda Kent (3), Kar’wa (1)
  • Nar Shaddaa: Aja Novar (2), Novane (2), Zinda Kent (2)
  • Tatooine: Udo Ensh (1), Sogan Sur (2), Novane (2), Kar’wa (1)
  • Alderaan: Aja Novar (1), D-3X (1), Novane (3), Zinda Kent (1)
  • Voss: Aja Novar (1), D-3X (2), Sogan Sur (1), Kar’wa (2)

OotiniCast Episode 93

We discuss Game Update 2.3: Titans of Industry, which included the unexpected arrival of Tauntaun mounts! There’s also CZ-198, with its daily area and two new Flashpoints, and the lovable (?) Treek, our first Ewok companion.

1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, AmonRe!

3. Trivia question

Chewbacca, lovingly known as Chewie, is the only Wookiee we see in the original trilogy. Yet we know of Wookiees’ fearsome fighting reputation from the Holochess match between Chewie and R2. Despite no other Wookiees being around or even named, if you know where to look, in the original trilogy we have proof that one of the characters has met, and in fact killed, several Wookiees. Name the character and how we know. One mild hint: this is the sort of thing that isn’t revealed obviously, as in dialogue, but nevertheless is there and was later confirmed and clarified by Lucas.

Please send your answer to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday. Winners will be put in a draw to win a $5 Cartel Coin gift code, courtesy of BioWare; in addition, if you have a character on The Harbinger, we will also give you a Hutt Skiff courtesy of Moff Chong and a Gamorrean Axe courtesy of Sythar, who requested a question on the subject of the answer to this week’s question.

4. Holofeed

  • Late last week, the pricing for Treek, the new Ewok companion, was revealed:
    • To unlock Treek the first time, you require a Mercenary Contract. It will cost either 2100 CC with no prerequisite, or 1 million credits requiring Legacy level 40.
    • The Mercenary Contract is an item that can be sold on the GTN, though the one purchased for credits requires Legacy level 40 to use.
    • Once unlocked on one character, you can purchase an account-wide unlock via the Collections UI for a one-time cost of 700 CC with no prerequisite, or pay 300K credits per character for the character perk if you have Legacy level 40.
    • A character must be level 10 or higher to use the Mercenary Contract and thus access Treek.
  • Game Update 2.3: Titans of Industry was deployed during a 7-hour maintenance on Tuesday. It has its own trailer (also on YouTube), and a welcome from Bruce Maclean, Senior Producer.
  • Tauntauns can now be obtained as mounts on Hoth! See Dulfy’s most thorough guide for the details.
  • The APAC servers will be permanently closed during maintenance on Tuesday 13 August 2013. It has been confirmed that all your characters will remain playable after the merge, even if you have more character than opened character slots.
  • The revamped referral programme is now available.
  • Coming soon is the ability to purchase Cartel Coins in-game.
  • The Sniper and Sentinel class representatives have asked their three questions each. Musco has said that he expects to have answers this week.
  • There is no reason to keep your reputation trophies for a given reputation once you’ve maxed it out (Legend); you should simply vendor the trophies at that point.

5. Community

For an interesting discussion about the making of KOTOR2 (Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords) and Obsidian Entertainment’s ideas for KOTOR3, listen to Eurogamer Podcast’s KOTOR2 post-mortem special. Included in the conversation were two of the developers for the Restored Content Mod, which attempts to complete KOTOR2 which was left in a somewhat unfinished state due to being forced to ship too early.

For those interested in joining Ootini Fight Club for some endgame PvP, please contact Chong by email (empiredivider@gmail.com).

6. Force Feedback

We discuss tweets from @Swtorfamily (be sure to follow him back to join the #swtorfamily!), @hadrian9, @Thoroughmas, @ForceChuckle, @bigfatpj (PJ), @Casmas_, @JediKrackr, @Rrubb, @banyo1984 (Benjamin Becker), @AckaanTalgala (Akaan Darasuum), @Seth_Eldar, @DanCremer, @Dr_Spuddinky, @tweetieowl (Brightstar), @JoshuaLynch125 (Joshua “Codex” Lynch), @heymason12 (Hash), @TheHighJoker (Joe Azzano), @Stormiin (Norm) and @GregCarter78, emails from Nathaniel S, Hansgruber and Stolas, and a comment from Ahnog.

Here’s PJ’s new Nightscythe:

PJs Nightscythe

@JediKrack’s most unusual (and admittedly kind of cool) 3v3 Huttball:

Huttball 3v3

@Rrubb’s drunken experience during a very strange Ancient Hypergate:

Drunk Ancient Hypergate

Check out Stolas’s (very short) video of what he reckons is the best 1 million credits he ever spent.

7. Sarlacc Mini-digest

While we did not have time in this episode to go into detail about Bounty Contract Week, which starts on Wednesday 14 August, we recommend our own guide authored by Hru, as well as the guides by Mad Sith Assassin and Dulfy.

8. Outro

Thanks to Redna (@R3DN4) and Ham (@HamSammich509) for joining us this week.

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! You can subscribe to us on iTunes and Zune, and listen to us on Stitcher and Radio4Gamers.


OotiniCast Episode 92

After covering the light news from this week, we revisit what to expect in Game Update 2.3: Titans of Industry, which is due to arrive on Tuesday!

1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Ki’el Over! (Yes, we know.)

3. Holofeed

  • While we had no patch to the game, the launcher has been significantly updated to support a streaming model for downloading content.
  • The polls to select the class representatives were made available late last week, and after the voting we have our winners!
    • Each class representative will serve a single term, and their sole responsibility is to come up with the three top issues for their Advanced Class (one PvE, one PvP and one wildcard).
    • Every two weeks, based on this schedule, two class representatives will be asked to present their issues, first up being Sniper and Sentinel, who will each present their three issues by the end of this week (2 August).
    • Note that each mirror Advanced Class (e.g., Sniper and Gunslinger) have separate representatives and will have their own opportunity to put forward their issues.
    • Eric Musco set the expectation that while this program is intended to establish a dialog on current issues for each Advanced Class, it doesn’t guarantee that things will necessarily change.
  • While an email sent to all players with characters on any of the three APAC servers indicated that their was only a week until those servers would be shut down, the actual shutdown (also as stated in the email) is confirmed to be on 13 August.
  • While BioWare intended a second expression of subscriber appreciation for the end of July (following on from the Cartel Coin grant early in the month), it turned out not to be ready in time.
  • The times and locations for the next two Community Cantinas have been confirmed:
  • While the Gold Scalene Armor (sold over the weekend only) is not currently added to the Collections UI, it seems that this was not intended and will be fixed.
  • Alex Modny’s blog about the mechanics of warzone arenas coming in Game Update 2.4, which he teased last week, is scheduled to be published in the week beginning 12 August (week after next).
  • It seems that not only can new items be added to the Cartel Market without the need of server downtime, but specials can change daily! While some changes may be notified via Twitter, the recommendation is to login each day to see what’s changed. Dulfy is tracking the discounts daily, as Njessi (of Hawt Pants Republicpointed out on her blog.
  • Eric Musco mentioned that there’s a good chance the Gold Scalene armor and Solus Secant speeder will be back again this weekend!
  • Amber Green responded to concerns about the changes made to the Seeker Droid mechanics, in terms of what can be dug up. Some fixes are in the works for those situations where undesirable loot is still being found.
  • David Demaree clarified when Force Barrier can be used, clarifying that it’s not available when Hindered, an effect created by the Commando/Mercenary’s Electro Net. It is a bug (and should be reported) if Force Barrier goes on cooldown (rather than simply being forbidden) when attempting to it when Hindered.

4. Community

George Lindsesay (@wannabePhD) is hoping to get ranked warzones happening again on The Harbinger on a regular basis. See his thread on the official forums for more information.

Dan O’Brien (@DsanOB) has updated his @SWTORTracker to respond to dev posts more quickly.

For those interested in joining Ootini Fight Club for some endgame PvP, please contact Chong by email (empiredivider@gmail.com).

5. Force Feedback

Thanks to Pathlight for his kind words about the show!

We discuss tweets from @Swtorfamily (be sure to follow him back to join the #swtorfamily!), @Kooz5 (Mark K), @EmpireDivider (Moff Chong), @Casmas_, @GregCarter78, @JediKal, @terencemyers, @banyo1984, @ben_b55, @ForceChuckle, @JediElkatt (Theekatt), @O_JohnnyBravo_O (JB), @HamSammich509, @Kodo (Anthony Harris), @AckaanTalgala (Akaan) and @ChazLobo.

The new Razer Naga MMO gaming mouse is here, including a left-handed version!

The scoreboard from the warzone in which Moff Chong demonstrated his unquestionable prowess:

Chong easy victory


Also, his video, Chong’s Thoughts: Voidstar.

6. Sarlacc Digest

Game Update 2.3: Titans of Industry is due to be deployed next Tuesday 6 August. We discuss what it will bring, including:

  • Change to The Civil War (removal of the speeders that connect directly to snow and grass).
  • Our first Ewok companion, Treek. Post-recording update: we now know that Treek will cost 2100 CC (with no legacy level requirement) to obtain, as an alternative to legacy level 40 and 1 million credits. In both cases, item obtained can be sold on the GTN (though latter item still requires legacy level 40). Once obtained either way, Treek can be unlocked account-wide via Collections for 700 CC, or per character via legacy for 300,000 credits.
  • The new daily area on CZ-198, offering new reputation rewards. See Gaddock Teeg‘s latest PTS videos covering the dailies on his YouTube channel.
  • Two new level 55 Flashpoints (each supporting hard mode and role-neutral story mode) on CZ-198, Czerka Corporate Labs and Czerka Core Meltdown.

You can find the PTS patch notes here.

7. Outro

Thanks to Redna (@R3DN4) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! You can subscribe to us on iTunes and Zune, and listen to us on Stitcher and Radio4Gamers.


OotiniCast Episode 91

Topics this week include Game Update 2.2.3, the Gree’s return (updated to level 55!), and the Community Cantina held in San Diego.

1. Introduction

2. Tip of the week

Congratulations to this week’s winner, Ham Sammich!

Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win a $5 Cartel Coin gift code, courtesy of BioWare.

3. Holofeed

  • Game Update 2.2.3 was deployed during regular maintenance on Tuesday. While this included another fix for the jumping animation (as if one’s weapon is drawn), it’s still not quite done, and Amber Green is asking for more information on the remaining cases where it occurs.
  • It also seems that the Cartel Market can now be updated dynamically, with no need for downtime, allowing the Gold Scalene armor and Solus Secant speeder to return for the weekend only, appearing sometime on Friday.
  • The Cartel Market now offers the Unlimited Content bundle, which contains 5 each of the four different Weekly Passes (Operations, Warzones, Flashpoints and Space Missions). Given that each Weekly Pass is worth 240 CC, the value of what’s in the bundle is 4800 CC. At its 50% off price (2650 CC), you’re saving 45%. At full price (5300 CC), it’s worse value than buying the passes individually.
  • The Gree are back for two weeks, newly upgraded to level 55. Bolster has been restored to the Western Ice Shelf for levels 50-55. Dulfy has provided a guide for achievements associated with the event, which are now available, accompanying her existing guide to the event.
  • While hard and nightmare modes currently share a lockout for Operations, Jesse Sky tells us that this is apparently going to be changed sometime in the future.
  • The raid leader of an Operation can change the loot rules (e.g., to master looter) at any time. This is confirmed to be as intended. Like the management of guild banks, misbehaviour by one’s raid leader is thus considered a social issue that BioWare leaves up to us to deal with.
  • With some vendors, such as the one offering GSI Speeders, while it may seem that you’re able to purchase something, it’ll fail if the items to trade are in your Cargo Bay.
  • The PTS has been updated, and character copy is once again available! JD (of the Unnamed SWTOR Podcast) has done a nifty video explaining how to get started on the PTS.
  • Alex Modny dropped by the forums to tell us a little about warzone arenas, which are coming in Game Update 2.4, including that Baron Deathmark will be returning to commentate! Alex will be doing a blog post going into detail about the arenas, which will be published in a week or two.
  • It seems that there’s an issue with tooltips in warzones, such that they’re not initially accurate in terms of displaying the damage dealt. Have no fear, your abilities have been bolstered appropriately. The tooltips will display correctly after you use an ability.
  • Electronic Arts released their Q1 FY14 financial results on 23 July. During the associated earnings conference call, SWTOR was mentioned several times positively, in terms of being profitable.
  • In last week’s show, JediKrackr mentioned a job posting at BioWare Austin. The role they’re after is a “Senior Mobile Producer” to lead “the production of mobile game content and companion applications”.

4. Community

It seems that TORParse lives!

Njessi has updated her Sentinel and Marauder Guide, specifically with regard to the middle (Combat/Carnage) skill tree. Definitely worth reading to find out what’s new.

We highly recommend Old Republic Radio’s interview with Amber Green of the SWTOR Community Team.

If you’ve ever been interested in the process of data mining, particularly as it pertains to SWTOR, please check out Gaddock Teeg’s (JD) interview with the SWTOR sub-Reddit’s “swtor_miner” in the latest episode of the Unnamed SWTOR Podcast.

Kuze has let us know he’s back to work on his Datacron videos! You can find his existing guides in Kuze’s Korner.

For those interested in joining Ootini Fight Club for some endgame PvP, please contact Chong by email (empiredivider@gmail.com).

5. Force Feedback

We discuss tweets from @Swtorfamily (be sure to follow him back to join the #swtorfamily!), @_scoxy (Shawn Cox), @Casmas_, @TheTurg, @ForceChuckle, @DanCremer, @Stormiin (Norm), @ChazLobo, @HamSammich509, @ben_b55, @ThePummeler, @bytedream (Sarah), @JediKal and @EmpireDivider (Moff Chong), and an email from Dan.

@TheTerg provided this YouTube video of the Jedi Academy event held regularly at Disneyland.

@JediKal has found proof that Yoda originated in New Zealand!

At me bro you come

Moff Chong spent the weekend at San Diego Comic-Con, and sent us the following:

Empire PvP

Empire PvP

Chong requested backup as he's hauled off to the detenction center

Chong requests backup!

This guy warned me she was underage

This guy warned me she was underage

Chong was freed by this aged Jedi

Chong was freed by this aged Jedi

... until this BH hauled him back to the detention center

… until this BH hauled him back to the detention center

6. Sarlacc Digest

Our guildmate Ossa, better known as Ossa of Begeren Colony, was present at the Community Cantina held in San Diego, and subsequently authored a most comprehensive summary of what was revealed.

Lekku at the Community Cantina

You can see all the images that were contained on the USB thumb drive in Dulfy’s post.

Thanks to Ossa for such marvellous coverage!

7. Outro

Thanks to Redna (@R3DN4) and Hyp (@Hypknotoad) for joining us this week.

Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.

You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. We are a proud member of the TOR Syndicate! You can subscribe to us on iTunes and Zune, and listen to us on Stitcher and Radio4Gamers.


Correspondent report: Community Cantina in San Diego

(Editor’s note: A listener who is mainly known as Ossa of Begeren Colony (the west coast RP-PvE server) attended the Community Cantina held in San Diego, California, on Thursday 17 July, and was generous enough to write up the following for us. Our sincere thanks to Ossa for the awesome work!)

I showed up at 6:15pm to The Commons Bar, where there were many visible Comic-Con attendees in sight. Some were even cosplaying as a Jedi Guardian and Sith Marauder, among other simpler things like handmade Twi’lek lekku wool caps. I got in line in what turned out to be near the halfway point. At about 7:15pm, showing my driver’s license got me a yellow bracelet along with the coveted Taun Fawn code card and a USB thumb drive.

We got one red ticket for a free drink, so perhaps it was less rowdy that the LA meetup, though perhaps people just bought more after the free one. I had a Bioware Blue Bellinis, which seemed like some sort of alcoholic homage to the famous blue Tatooine milk.

The Q&A started at around 8:00pm, after enough time for everyone to mingle and enjoy the drinks and food. Appetizers like popcorn chicken, fried mac & cheese balls, and sliders were available. Courtney Wood, Eric Musco, Bruce Maclean, and Damion Schubert were in attendance. Eric Musco did most of the talking, as well as repeated calls for silence in a vain attempt to make sure everyone could hear the Q&A. Bruce Maclean was tasked with answering all forthcoming PvP questions (much to his surprise!).

First question was will there be a PvP gear grind; the short answer was yes. No changes in the way gear is acquired. Eric Musco quipped it’s not a grind if you’re having fun. Better gear than Conqueror will be released at some point. It was my impression that Conqueror shells will be important to hold on to, unlike Elite War Hero when Game Update 2.0 came out.

Courtney and Bruce stated that the internal testing for the new Warzone Arenas, held on a bi-weekly basis, was quite fun. They used plural for arena at the time, and we now know there are three maps thanks to the USB thumbdrive pictures.

Bruce was upfront with mentioning that 1.7% of all queue pops are Ranked, and that on some servers they either never pop or only pop during specific time windows. He admitted its not currently a successful game mechanic. Warzone Arenas sounded like their answer to making Ranked play accessible to many more players. Someone shouted whether teams would be nameable, to which they quickly responded to wait for more information, with a heavy hint at leaderboards and a possible end to the Ranked pre-season 1.

Tatooine arena

Tatooine arena

A synthweaving question was asked, inquiring about why the Reverse Engineering probability is different going from Prototype (blue) to Aritfact (purple) for 410-450 items versus pre-2.0 items. No real answer to that was given; they were then told to contact Amber Green on the official forums to ask the dev crafting team directly. Another question about why Aim barrels from a ranged weapon can’t go into (for example) Qyzen Fess’s techblade. They are aware of hilts/barrels being locked to weapon types, and seem to be evaluating changes to how hilts/barrels are transferred.

There will be no new class in the foreseeable future. A new Advanced Class would come first, but that is not in the pipeline.

Makeb was a success, and they are pleased with the Rise of the Hutt Cartel digital expansion. More planet story arcs are likely.

Asked if they would ever update cutscenes to acknowledge that the player is different species from the options that were available at launch (e.g., a Chiss or Cathar Jedi Knight), the answer was this wasn’t likely to happen. Getting voice actors back into the studio to record would be expensive, and apparently some cannot be found or are dead.

Companion gifts are not likely to be given on player starships anytime soon. That is because the system works with no target, with the gift going to the current companion who is present. On the player ship all companions are active, thus it would take some work sorting out a targeting system for companions gifts. They are aware of the annoyance, but it is considered a low priority fix.

The Super Secret Space Project question was asked, and Damion Schubert was ready for it. He said the project is now in an early playable state. That’s all he would go into on the matter.

Space Garage arena

Space Garage arena

The final question of the night was about the much forum-debated PvP bolster. Bolster is still bugged, but most reports they get at this point are not actual bugs, but more along the lines of complaints.

Eric elaborated on why the level 54 Artifact (purple) crafted items are being bolstered more heavily than other gear: it has to do with the way Partisan/Conqueror gear handles stat budgets, which was also the same reason that Expertise was stripped from War Hero and Elite War Hero gear. Reverse Engineering implants from Premium (green) to Prototype (blue) to Artifact (purple) keeps adding stats without actually changing what the rating of the item is. This is different from Armoring mods, where purple is rated higher than green. Crafted Artifact item bonus stats over the Premium get bolstered more than intended, or at least are handled differently from the traditional orange shell pieces. It’s not really a bug per se, but a consequence of how the bolster system was designed. In other words, it seems like there’s no easy fix on the horizon for bolster to properly handle crafted items.

They know the implementation of bolster did not go smoothly at the launch of 2.0, but they feel they are getting close to where they want it. When asked whether they would hand out another set of recruit gear instead of relying on bolster, they described how many people new to PvP didn’t even know of the recruit gear or how to get it. Even if someone had the recruit gear, the gap between MK-2 to War Hero was too big. With bolster new players can jump right in and be more competitive. They want PvP to be more based on skill, on how you play your class and how you read other classes, rather than based on who has ground out more gear. Some shouts went unanswered as to how they don’t bolster the PvE side of the game. Game play just seems fundamentally different to the developers where the gear checks for Story to Hard to Nightmare operations just doesn’t translate into the direction they want to take PvP and Ranked PvP.

Makeb arena

Makeb arena

Trivia questions: Name three Hutts in SWTOR. The answer Karagga, Toborro and Oggurobb won shirts with either the Imperial or Republic logo. Name two instances where companions of different classes meet up in cut scenes. The Doc/Kaliyo and Risha/Vette answer won what looked to be the SWTOR encyclopedia. The real stumper was to name the three Darth titles for the Sith Inquisitor story line, awarded for going either light, dark or grey. The first person gave light and dark, but the winner was able to name grey to complete the answer, winning Star Wars logo bookends made by Gentle Giant.

While it wasn’t really trivia, the prize for who traveled the furthest to be at the meetup was won by two Australians, beating out someone from Okinawa, to win the Empire/Republic shirts and a SWTOR novel.

Tauntaun mount

Tauntaun mount

That marked the end of the Q&A session at about 8:35pm or so. The rest of the time was for more drinking and merriment while the devs on hand would mingle and field questions on a personal level. No one asked questions on the Tauntaun mount, as the pictures of it were sitting on the USB thumb drives in our pockets, so no one really knew they existed yet. I had a blast at the event, and would recommend that if you have the opportunity to go to one, do it!
