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Lots of news this week, including the Ranked PvP Season 4 rewards, Star Wars movie and novel updates, and much more. In our discussion, we consider whether having subscription consumables sellable on the GTN could be a thing!
1. Introduction
2. Tip of the week
Congratulations to this week’s winner, Sarlon (Darth Nox) of The Shadowlands! Thanks to Jason R for entering.
Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Tuesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-R3 droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.
3. Holofeed
- Bounty Contract Week is here, concluding next Tuesday 23 March at 11am UTC.
- Game Update 3.1.1 was deployed on Thursday morning. Note that the Bright Blue Eyes customization has been temporarily disabled until it can be fixed.
- BioWare is aware of the invisible dock at Rishi spaceport.
- The PTS with Game Update 3.1.2 has been closed, after a final round of changes.
- There will be more Lore sets coming in the future. Player recommendations of which outfits to produce are welcomed!
- The rewards for Ranked PvP Season 4 have been announced, with the rewards differing in some ways from previous seasons.
- Those utilising win-trading towards the very end of the season will be caught and dealt with appropriately before rewards are handed out.
- The Community Cantina in Anaheim, in conjunction with Star Wars: Celebration, will include an exclusive Prinawe Congregate mount code. While that mount will never be placed on the Cartel Market, there will be a way for those not attending to obtain one.
- There will be a livestream on Friday 20 March to convey the reveals that had been planned for the cancelled Community Cantina that was to have been held in Boston.
- Charles Boyd confirms that BioWare is recording more dialog for upcoming story content.
- TorHead is closing due to lack of traffic.
- Star Wars: Episode VIII will be released on 26 May 2017, and the standalone movie Rogue One will be released on 16 Dec 2016.
- The novel Star Wars: Aftermath, coming in September 2015, is the first in a trilogy bridging the gap between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. You can pre-order on Amazon here
- A group of scientists who also happen to be Star Wars fans have named a species of suckermouth armored catfish after Greedo from A New Hope.
4. Community
Snave (@snave1208, hitbox.tv/snave, youtube.com/snave1208) is planning to simulate 8-man Ranked PvP on the PTS! See this Reddit post for details.
We highly recommend the Casual Core Radio podcast!
One of the many high quality articles created by Andrew is a flowchart for determining the price of items to be listed on the GTN.
If you’re interested in being a guest on the show, please email ootinicast@gmail.com. Don’t be shy!
5. Force Feedback
Chong’s fandom is growing:
When he’s not being adored by his fans, Chong is taking note of strange occurrences in the scenery:
Revan attempts to stymie the Random Rioters by running away!
We can confirm to Ajay that OotiniCast is a heavy user of Jawascript.
6. Sarlacc Digest
EVE Online has PLEX, Wildstar has CREDD, and now World of Warcraft is getting its WoW Token. Should SWTOR have its own version of an item purchasable for real-world money (or Cartel Coins) that can be redeemed for subscription time, and can be sold in-game for credits?
Andrew’s article on the subject is The Finest Form of Flattery: Why SWTOR Should Imitate WoW’s Token Mechanic.
7. Outro
On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge), Bill (@BillLentz) and Andrew (swtoreconomics.com, @SWTOReconomics, YouTube).
Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.
You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!