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In the news, we cover what’s in the just released Game Update 5.1.2, and the announcement of a new gear tier and 100 more Command Ranks. Then in our discussion, returning guest Dr SWTOR provides some professional insight into last week’s topic of gaming as a way of dealing with depression and anxiety.
1. Introduction
We now know that The Last Jedi is referring to multiple Jedi, not just Luke Skywalker.
Chill announced his upcoming new podcast, CryptoBiography. It will be about people’s stories. It will not necessarily be SWTOR- or gaming-related. He will need people to talk with! Please send your stories via email (cryptobiography@gmail.com) to him in audio form, in written for him to read, or for longer bits we can set up an interview and record it via Skype or other means. The website is under construction, but you can find out more about the show on Facebook and Twitter (@cryptobiography).
2. Tip of the week
Congratulations to this week’s winner, Jessie! Thanks to Ajay and Nefram for entering.
Ajay is willing to provide more advice on getting through Master Mode chapters; hit him up on Twitter using @r2d2arm.
Please send your tips to ootinicast@gmail.com by next Wednesday for a chance to win a Taunfawn or M8-3R droid code, courtesy of BioWare, and an OotiniCast-provided Cartel Market pack from the latest shipment.
3. Holofeed
- Game Update 5.1.2 was deployed on Tuesday during regular maintenance. This includes the addition of Unassembled Components to PvP missions, and increased Unassembled Components from warzones and GSF matches.
- Unassembled Components are not yet bound to legacy, but it’s being considered.
- If your DvL event armor has apparently gone missing, here’s where you may find it.
- In Game Update 5.2: War for Iokath, a new tier of gear (Tier 4) and 100 Command Ranks will be added. More about that on the next show, as a wealth of information was released on the day after we recorded.
- Details about the Community Cantina to be held at Star Wars Celebration will come in the next week or two, though we do know that it will be off-site (not within the Celebration venue).
4. The Academy
This week Swtorista tells us how the new Dark vs Light system works, breaking down the points, tokens and bosses.
5. Force Feedback
Snave invites you to join him in URC X, the premier 1v1 tournament on The Red Eclipse, happening 11 March at 7pm GMT.
Here are the pictures of Jim’s Saber Guild, a Star Wars costuming performance group:

In the middle of the Jedi Masters on the left, and the Dark Sith Lords on the right is Anthony Daniels, who played C3-P0 in all the “Star Wars” films on Saturday in front of the Anaheim Convention Center at the Star Wars Celebration event.
//// ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Fans were still packing into the Anaheim Convention Center for Star Wars Celebration on Saturday, April 18, 2015. – starwars.day1.0418 – 4/18/15 – MARK EADES, STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
Johnny (Born to eat bacon) found yet another example of Star Wars humour:
6. Sarlacc Digest
Dr SWTOR provides some professional thoughts following Leibearoha’s discussion with us last episode regarding playing SWTOR and her depression and anxiety.
7. Outro
On the show this week were Chill (@BrandonLStarr, twitch.tv/chillswtor), Teo (@jasonetheridge) and Daniel (@Infinite0utcome).
Information about our guilds on The Harbinger, Ootini Knights (Republic) and Ootini Rage (Empire), can be found here.
You can email questions and comments about the show to ootinicast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter via @OotiniCast. Check out our website, ootinicast.com, which has links to our presence on Google+ and Facebook. You can subscribe to us on iTunes, and listen to us on Stitcher and Spreaker. We record the show live every Wednesday at 4:30pm Pacific, goto ootinicast.com/live to find out how to join in!